Reference no: EM131217353
1. At the end of the year the company shows Assets of $150,000 and Liabilities of $50,000. What is the Owners' Equity at the end of the year?
2. At the end of the year the company shows Owners' Equity of $100,000 and Assets of $250,000. What are the Liabilities at the end of the year?
3. At the beginning of the year the company has Assets of $100,000. During the year the company increases the Assets by $25,000. At the beginning of the year the company has Liabilities of $50,000 and increases Liabilities $10,000 during the year. What is the Owners' Equity at the end of the year?
4. At the beginning of the year the company has Assets of $100,000. During the year the company increases the Assets by $25,000. At the beginning of the year the company has Liabilities of $50,000 and decreases Liabilities $10,000 during the year. What is the Owners' Equity at the end of the year?
5. At the end of the year the company shows Liabilities of $75,000 and Owners' Equity of $125,000. What are the Assets at the end of the year?
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What are the assets at the end of the year
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