Reference no: EM132220961
Discussion 1 : Should Same Sex Marriages be Legally Recognized?
America's largest lesbian and gay organization, The Human Rights Campaign, has presented many arguments for why same-sex couples should be able to marry. The main argument is fairness. Marriage confers many benefits that same-sex couples are deprived of.
Opponents have presented many arguments for why same-sex couples should not be able to marry. The main argument is that the state has the right and duty to specify who a person, whether straight or gay, can marry so no rights are violated.
The database called Opposing Viewpoints is a good source for information on multiple sides of an issue. It may be accessed through the college library web site similar to accessing CINAHL.
Choose "Databases by Subject", go down to "News and Current Events", then select "Opposing Viewpoints" and type in Gay Marriage or similar key search words. Here is a direct link to this information: Opposing Viewpoints Database offers a fairly comprehensive look at both sides of the argument.
Using this database, identify one article that supports same sex marriage and one article that argues against it. Read these articles and cite information from both of them in your discussion post. Carefully consider the issues and reasoning of both sides.
• What are the key arguments for supporting same -sex marriage?
• What are the arguments against same-sex marriage?
Then, in the discussion, take a stand as you discuss the following questions:
• Do you think domestic partnership or civil unions are enough, or should same-gender couples be allowed to marry?
• Include in your discussion what types of rights do you think same-sex partners should be afforded?
• Which would you exclude, and why?
• Do you think that world views on the subject are evolving?
Discussion : Ageism
As the U.S. population continues to age and as we are undergoing a demographic shift whereby the oldest old (age 85+) are the most rapidly growing segment of our population.
You have read in the text about legislation, acts, Presidential orders, movements, etc. that have target discrimination related to a number of subgroups of our population.
Consider and discuss the following:
What age do you consider to be "old"? Discuss how ageism can be considered a social problem and how it affects you or those around you.
What expectations do you have of growing older yourself?