What are the advantages of using erp

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132049586

Question: Strategic Tech and Enterprise Systems

Technology and Enterprise Resource Planning

As an IT manager, discuss how your company will use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to integrate the various functions of an entity. What are the advantages of using ERP? In your discussion, please be sure to provide substantive explanation of what ERP is and give example(s) of ERP. Use APA throughout.

Reference no: EM132049586

Questions Cloud

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What are the advantages of using erp : As an IT manager, discuss how your company will use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to integrate the various functions of an entity.
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What are first principles or basic assumptions : What are some of the questions which have endured within philosophy since the medieval period? What are ‘first principles' or ‘basic assumptions'?
How you would use the materials in communicating : As an IT manager, discuss how you would use the materials in communicating IT information to other department. Use APA throughout.
Determine the beginning balance : Spartan made dividend distributions of $1,200 on June 1 and $5,700 on August 31. Determine the beginning balance in Spartan's accumulated E&P


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