What are the advantages of nosql over relational databases

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM133657020

Imagine somebody is working on a project that previously used relational databases. Draft a report to their client that explains why they should consider NoSQL databases. Remember that their clients are not data science experts and will not understand technical jargon. Be sure to cover the following in the report:

  • What are the advantages of NoSQL over relational databases? What are the drawbacks? When should NoSQL be used? When should it not be used?
  • What are the main NoSQL databases in the marketplace? Provide your client with 2-3 examples of how NoSQL databases and modeling techniques are used in the real world.
  • Will NoSQL databases be around for the next 3-5 years? If so, how might they change?

Reference no: EM133657020

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