What are the 4 major taiwan culture movements

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133572667


Please label your question and underline or bold print the key points of your answers clearly.

These questions are based on the book "Why Taiwan Matters" By riggers

  1. Name one of the three major holidays, specify the date of the holiday, and identify two traits of the holiday.
  2. What were the 4 major economic developments in Taiwan during 1960s to 1970s?
  3. Discuss two major international events occurred and dramatically impacted Taiwan's international status during 1970s.
  4. Identify 4 significant events of Dangwai (Non-Party) Movement.
  5. Discuss 2 major contributions that CCK has made to Taiwan.
  6. What are the 4 major Taiwan culture movements?
  7. Give me 4 reasons why Japan built Taiwan during the Japan Era.
  8. Name 4 elements of "Tension & conflict between mainlanders and local Taiwanese during 1947-1979.


Reference no: EM133572667

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