What are tax consequences if the organization participates

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131328024

Accounting Question:

EarthFriendly, Inc., an IRC Sec. 501(c)(3) organization, incurred lobbying expenses of $150,000 and exempt purpose expenditures of $1.2 million in carrying out its exempt mission. What are the tax consequences if the organization participates in lobbying activities?


Half to one page with 2 references

Reference no: EM131328024

Questions Cloud

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What are tax consequences if the organization participates : EarthFriendly, Inc., organization, incurred lobbying expenses of $150,000 and exempt purpose expenditures of $1.2 million in carrying out its exempt mission. What are the tax consequences if the organization participates in lobbying activities?
Determine the individual pressure drops to the nearest tenth : Determine the individual pressure drops to the nearest tenth (0.1) psi and the gage pressures to the nearest whole (1) psi
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Create a diagram that illustrates willowmills operations : Create a diagram that illustrates Willowmill's operations around the world. Include the tax rates in each country and the cost to manufacture the products in each area.
Provide some background about william cope moyers : Write a paper relating the information from the book Broken to any course content we have covered.- Provide some background about William Cope Moyers.


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Taxation Questions & Answers

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