Reference no: EM132671973
Here's the link to the video Autism is a World: to help with the following questions.
1. Susan has autism. What purpose do her numerous routines or compulsive behaviors serve?
2. What are Susan's major obstacles? Are these challenges typical of those faced by individuals with autism? Explain.
3. How do people help Susan deal with the challenges she encounters throughout the film? How are these supports similar to those a teacher might need when incorporating students with autism into the classroom?
4. People with autism typically display unique characteristics in four key areas: social skills, communication, insistence on sameness, and unusual behaviors. Using scenes from the film, identify one situation for each area in which you recognize these characteristics.
a. What scene does Susan show unique communication in? What is unique about her communication? How do people respond to it?
b. What scene does Susan show unique social skills in? What is unique about her social skills? How do people respond to them?
c. What scene does Susan show unique insistence on sameness? What is unique about it? How do people respond to it?
d. What scene does Susan show unique/unusual behaviors? What is unique about her behaviors? How do people respond?