What are statistics

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM133204176 , Length: 1 Pages


A one-page critique of a peer-reviewed journal article. Before you select your article, review the "Session One: What Are Statistics?"

You will note that the presentation provides an introduction to inductive and deductive reasoning. Dr. William Trochim explains further the differences between Deduction and Induction in the Web Center for Social Research Methods (Trochim, 2006). Choose a journal article on a topic in your field or a topic about which you are interested.

Then, write a one-page critique of this article. UAGC's Writing an Article Critique describes the process of critiquing an article and provides an example (UAGC, n.d.). You should summarize briefly your author's thesis and how he attempts to prove his thesis. You should analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the author's study methods as well as his presentation of his results. (To do this, be sure to analyze the mechanics of the author's study. What method did the author use to test his hypothesis? Were there any flaws in this method? For example, did he utilize a representative sample that was large enough that the results of the study could be generalized to the population?) Within your critique, explain whether the author of your article answers his questions using inductive or deductive reasoning and provide a brief one-sentence explanation of why this is inductive or deductive reasoning.

Reference no: EM133204176

Questions Cloud

How does the imf achieve its goals : How Does the IMF Achieve Its Goals? Why is the IMF considered as being controversial?
Explain the pros and cons to rent control : In your own words, explain the pros and cons to rent control. This is not a summary of the podcast. Glendale Community College.
About a good or service for which you have elastic demand : Tell us about a good or service for which you have Elastic demand. San Diego State University.
Discuss the process of business planning : The hiring manager wants you to discuss the process of business planning and budgeting to help her plan for the upcoming fiscal year. Columbia University.
What are statistics : A one-page critique of a peer-reviewed journal article. Before you select your article, review the "Session One: What Are Statistics?" Columbia University.
How does this effect fixed and variable costs for business : How does this effect the fixed and variable costs for businesses? Oakton Community College.
Concepts of natural rate of employment in modern economics : In what way are the concepts of the natural rate of employment in modern economics and the reserve army of labor in Marx similar? Fullerton College.
How currency depreciation stimulates exports : Evaluate the three major approaches to analyzing the economic impact of currency depreciation: the elasticities approach. Saudi electronic university. ECN 500.
Why opportunity costs are relevant in discussion of trade : Given a terms of trade you set, what would be the outcome if we indeed trade with Herapi? University of North Alabama. EC 252.


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Basic Statistics Questions & Answers

  Leading principal minors are positive

A real matrix M (not necessarily symmetric) is defined to be positive definite if x' Mx > 0 for any nonzero x. Is it true that the matrix M is positive

  A researcher randomly selects 15 bulbs for testing the

acme corporation manufactures light bulbs. the ceo claims that an average acme light bulb lasts 300 days. a researcher

  How many members should be included in the sample

If the total fraternity/sorority membership is 300 people, how many members should be included in the sample? Use (and explain) your own estimate for the population standard deviation.

  What is the proportion of vehicles with a speed up

a) What is the proportion of vehicles with a speed up to the limit? b) What proportion of the vehicles would be going less than 95 Km/h?

  Consequences of error type

State the type I and type II errors in this case, consequences of each error type for this situation, and the appropriate alpha level to use.

  Test your claim of a lower standard deviation

Test your claim of a lower standard deviation at a 5% significance level.

  Question regarding the bound for the error of estimation

Estimate the difference in the proportions of firstborn or only children for the two populations from which these samples were drawn. Give a bound for the error of estimation.

  What is the probability of getting the outcome 9

Suppose that the probability of getting an even outcome is 0.133 and the probability of getting a prime outcome is 0.422.

  Compare the stroke rates for the treatments

Preventing strokes Aspirin prevents blood from clotting and so helps prevent strokes. The Second European Stroke Prevention Study asked whether adding.

  What statistical test be used to analyze data

The maturity scores tend to be skewed (not normally distributed). Higher scores indicate higher Christian maturity. What statistical test should be used to analyze these data?

  Proportion of applicants that fail the test

As a condition of employment, Fashion Industries applicants must pass a drug test. Of the last 220 applicants 14 failed the test. Develop a 99 percent confidence interval for the proportion of applicants that fail the test.

  Interpret a two-sided confidence interval

Provide and interpret a two-sided 99% confidence interval for the true proportion of accounting majors.

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