Reference no: EM133480174
Read the informative post below and give your thoughts. Be brief leaving a response no longer than two-three paragraphs. Find a new story but reference it as similar or different to the main posts. Compare and contrast.
Employee discrimination is something that has become more and more prevalent as time has gone on. Discrimination can be, but is not limited to, race, gender, age, religious beliefs, or disabilities. Results from recent studies and statistics, 61% of employees in the United States have experienced or witnessed discrimination in the workplace in one of these ways. The more that these issues arise, the more court cases and legal battles have began to occur.
Brief Overview & Underlying Facts:
Cahill et al. vs. Nike, Inc. is a case that was filed by plaintiffs Kelly Cahill, Sara Johnston, Lindsay Elizabeth, and Heather Hender regarding how themselves, and other working women employeed at the Nike headquarters in Oregon, have faced discrimination when it comes to salary and promotion opportunities. In March of 2020, the women filed the case and their request was granted by the court. Before this, in 2019, a judge denied Nike's request to dismiss the case due to the plaintiffs sufficient amount of information to alleged a company-wide discrimination case against women in all categories of employment. The main categories listed in the hearing were hostile working environment, initial lower placement, unfair salary, and unfair promotional opportunities.
An analysis of whether the employee had a valid claim (and explaining why or why not):
After assessing and analyzing the case, I do not agree with the court hearing because there was plenty of evidence proving that Nike was in fact discrimating women in the workplace. The court found that there was not enough evidence or facts to prove that there was discrimination in the workplace. The women had valid claims and showed facts on how men were treated better and more valued within the corporation through pay and promotions. Nike Inc. values itself on fairness and equality for all, but the facts and events in this case show otherwise. I am interested to see if any other discrimination cases pop up in the future.
Question A. Do you think that the women in this case had valid feelings and experiences to form a court course?
Question B. Do you think that Cahill and the other plaintiffs should try and take this hearing to another court but with more evidence and plaintiffs?
Question C. Based on this case, do you think that Nike Inc. has provided men and women workers with the same opportunities to be successful in their careers? If not, what are some things that Nike Inc. can do to change that and make things right in 2023 and years down the road?
Question D. Have you ever witnessed workplace discrimination, personally? If so, what actions followed?