What are some systems or policies

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Reference no: EM133605380

Question 1: What is the most important take-home point in these topics below?

Origin, Education, and Destination Triangle
Educational achievement gaps
Early childhood education
Higher education access and graduation
Intergenerational changes in high education
College graduates' labor market and earnings
Student loan debt
Fixed and growth mindsets
Effort, ability, and talent
Prejudice vs. Discrimination
Residential segregation
School segregation
Racial wealth gap

Question 2. Watch the video about the school system in Jonesville, Louisiana. Then listen to the third episode of The Promise, Season 2 

How does the material in this module and from this media compare and contrast to your experiences (or experiences of those you know)?
What was the racial and class makeup of your schools in your town growing up? What examples of segregation, discrimination, prejudice according to race, class, gender, etc. have you witnessed/experienced in your educational history, if at all?

Question 3. What are some systems or policies (both historical and modern-day) that create inequitable access to education or resources that lead to academic success? Who is disadvantaged by these systems or policies?

To what extent do these systems/policies rely on personal prejudice to create inequality? Or do they largely create unequal access unintentionally?
What policies or solutions from this module would you prioritize changing or implementing to increase equitable access to education? Why?

Reference no: EM133605380

Questions Cloud

Discuss in details and with examples the concepts of quality : discuss in details and with examples the concepts of quality assurance for accountability and quality assurance for improvement
Promote sustainable practices and inspire individuals : Promote sustainable practices and inspire individuals to think critically about embracing new technologies for the betterment of the environment
What purpose did the war on drugs serve : What purpose did the war on Drugs serve? Connect the concept of colorblindness to the War on Drugs and What are some ideologies you can identify
Which sociological perspective would argue : Which sociological perspective would argue that assimilation and acculturation are ways in which society is strengthened through social cohesion
What are some systems or policies : What policies or solutions from this module would you prioritize changing or implementing to increase equitable access to education? Why?
Explain why you came to this decision for each of these item : List your top five items in order of importance, most important first and Explain why you came to this decision for each of these items
What is one measure that could be included in reporting : What is one measure that could be included in reporting cycles to determine the organization's impact and success? Literacy and numeracy rates improve
Guild readings to support author claims or name dropping : Engagement in the Discussion Board does not mean over relying on quotes from the National Lawyer's Guild readings to support author claims or name dropping
Client plan of care : What instruction(s) will the nurse include in the client's plan of care?


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