What are some risk and protective factors that each student

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Reference no: EM133316379

Case Study: You are a human service professional assigned to identify the prevention needs of students in the school. The middle school you are working at has recently seen a spike in hospitalization amongst its students particularly at raves, bonfires and other parties. After the death of one student due to ecstasy use, the school would like to create an all inclusive prevention program against substance use. You were given the opportunity to review the records of three students who were suspected as possible dealers of the substance at school. All three students have been previously reprimanded and have returned to school on a probationary status. Considering the descriptions of each student and then answer the questions below.

Student A:

Montel is a 12 year old who has just started middle school. He was previously caught smoking before school with a group of other students

Student B:

Sarah is a 7th grader who is doing poor academically. At a conference with her mother, you learn that her biological father (who is no longer involved with the family) is an active alcoholic

Student C:

Manuel is in the 8th grade. He is a good student and is well-behaved in class. He is described as having low self esteem and being highly influenced by peer acceptance.

Question: 1. What are some risk and protective factors that each student presents with?

Question: 2. What are some prevention strategies that you would use with each child? Identify at least two strategies each and justify your answer.

Question: 3. Considering the role of prevention and intervention, which role do you feel has the biggest impact on addiction practice?

Reference no: EM133316379

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