What are some reasons for your skepticism

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131495216

Advertising Claims

In this assignment, look for and provide two advertisements that you think contain logical fallacies. Use any advertisement that you can find in magazines, on television, or from the Internet for this assignment.

Your two examples must represent two of the following logical fallacies:

Appeal to Popularity

False Cause

Appeal to Ignorance

Hasty Generalization

Limited Choice

Appeal to Emotion

Personal Attack (ad hominem)

Circular Reasoning

Diversion (Red Herring)

Straw Man

The goal is to examine statements critically, looking for logical flaws.

In your post, address the following questions:

What logical fallacies are represented in the advertisements you found?

What are some reasons for your skepticism?

Based upon your examination, how would you redo the advertisement to make it more truthful? Would this be possible?

Write your initial response in a minimum of 200 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Review the postings of your peers and respond to at least two of them. Consider commenting on the following:

Do the advertisement examples fit the logical fallacies stated? Explain.

Could there be other logical fallacies involved in these examples?

Do you think that advertising would be more effective if it relied more upon truthful arguments and less on logical fallacies? Explain.

Reference no: EM131495216

Questions Cloud

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People argue that the united states : So we see that some people argue that the United States is about as meritocratic as a large, complex society can reasonably be.
What are some reasons for your skepticism : Based upon your examination, how would you redo the advertisement to make it more truthful? Would this be possible?
Summary of enforcement action undertaken : Please provide a summary of enforcement action undertaken by a federal administrative agency in 2017, Your response must:
Analyze how externalities may prevent market equilibrium : Analyze how externalities may prevent market equilibrium and various governments policies used to remedy the inefficiencies in markets caused by externalities.
Emphasis is on utilizing concepts : Write about a current work experience While you should describe the job, the emphasis is on utilizing concepts to analyze your work experience.
Write the first section of the marketing plan : Create a complete Marketing Plan by the end of the course. You will write the first section of the Marketing Plan for this assignment.


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