What are some reasons a user might have javascript disabled

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131299539


1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of client-side scripting.

2. What does the XMLHttpRequest object do?

3. How do AJAX requests differ from normal requests in the HTTP request-response loop?

4. What are software layers, and what benefit do they provide?

5. What are some reasons a user might have JavaScript disabled?

6. What kind of variable typing is used in JavaScript? What benefits and dangers arise from this?

7. Compare graceful degradation with progressive enhancement.

8. What part of any website is flagged as the "most important" when we think about progressive enhancement?

9. What special characteristics of web applications make testing problematic?

10. What (if anything) is wrong with each of the following variable names?

a) Shipping Cost
b) 1_number
c) JackAndJillWentUpTheHillForWater
d) oneName
e) thisName
f) Bob,Joe,and Mike

11. Explain the difference between a loosely typed language and a strongly typed language. Which one is JavaScript?

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2. Please follow APA format and provide citations for everything.
3. All of the questions should be fully explained.

Reference no: EM131299539

Questions Cloud

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Write an expression in the corresponding fourier series : Find the first five nonzero Fourier coefficients of the shifted and offset square wave in Figure P13-9. Use your results to write an expression in the corresponding Fourier series.
What are some reasons a user might have javascript disabled : What are some reasons a user might have JavaScript disabled? What kind of variable typing is used in JavaScript? What benefits and dangers arise from this? Compare graceful degradation with progressive enhancement.
Monetary policies in the united states : What were some monetary policies in the United States during the 1950's? What impact did they have during that decade?
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Write an expression for the first four nonzero terms : Use the results in Figure 13-4 to calculate the Fourier coefficients of the full-wave rectified sine wave in Figure P13-13. Use MATLAB to verify your results. Write an expression for the first four nonzero terms in the Fourier series.
What are the labeling requirements required on each carton : You can place 9 cartons per layer on a pallet.- How many pallets do you need? What are the labeling requirements required on each carton?


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