What are some pros and cons of expanding civic engagement

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133448606


Not everyone believes that it's a good idea to expand political participation. From the beginning of the U.S. republic, many groups were excluded from participation. United States political history documents the long and sometimes violent struggle to include previously excluded people.

There are still people who wish to limit political participation. Looking around, perhaps all of us can identify others that we wish would just stay home on election day. Some people who are politically active bring outlandish and patently false claims into the public realm. Thinking about these things, address each part of the prompt:

  • What are some pros and cons of expanding civic engagement?
  • What could be done to improve the quality of citizen participation?
  • In U.S. politics, why do you think so many people believe things that are easily proved to be untrue?

Reference no: EM133448606

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