What are some priority risk factors in your project

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131272747


Part 1.- Resources: Risk Management Plan Outline, assigned readings

Write a paper of no more than 600 words, including tables and matrix, that includes the following:

• Revision of project background that clarifies project scope, requirements, schedule, quality, and constraints

• Updated risk identification framework

• Qualified and quantified risk matrix with low, medium, and high qualitative assessments linked to quantifiable measures and risk factors, with performance of a risk assessment using a risk matrix, including:

o Calculation of project risk factors
o Risk quantified in terms of cost, schedule, and performance

• Prioritized risk register, including the following:

o Risk description
o Initial low, medium, or high risk assessment
o Risk priority in the overall risk management plan

Please include introduction and conclusion.

Part 2.- Based on the Cost Risk Management in West Rail Project of Hong Kong case study( PDF file will be provided), identify and describe two negative risk management applications. 200 Words

Part 3.- Questions - 80 words per answer

1. What are some priority risk factors in your project?
2. How do these priorities enable overall project accomplishment?
3. Why is it important to prioritize risks in a project?
4. How is semi-quantitative risk assessment used to prioritize risk?
5. Describe a semi-quantitative assessment and prioritization using two risks in your project.
6. Explain cost and schedule risks.
7. How would you quantitatively prioritize these risks in your project?
8. Best practices and recommendations to identify risks.

Reference no: EM131272747

Questions Cloud

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What are some priority risk factors in your project : What are some priority risk factors in your project? How do these priorities enable overall project accomplishment? Why is it important to prioritize risks in a project?
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Consideration of these measures reveals : Consideration of these measures reveals that it can be difficult to quantify these factors.  For your first posting in this Discussion, identify one specific example of a measure of learning an


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