What are some primary causes of con?ict at work

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Reference no: EM133419021


1. What are the types of con?icts that individuals may have at work? Which type have you experienced the most?

2. What are some primary causes of con?ict at work?

3. Explain how miscommunication might be related to a con?ict at work.

4. Do you deal with con?ict di?erently with friends and family than you do at work? If so, why do you think that is?

5. What is your usual con?ict-handling style at work? Do you see it as e?ective or ine?ective?

6. Describe a situation in which not having enough con?ict can be a problem.

7. List three ways to decrease a con?ict situation. What are some pros and cons of each of these approaches?

8. What are some similarities and di?erences in con?ict management preference and negotiation practices among di?erent countries around the globe? Have you had any experiences with individuals from other cultures? If so, how did it go? How might it have gone better?


Reference no: EM133419021

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