What are some potential roadblocks in promoting

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM13661096

Answer these questions- Answers between 150-200 words. Must reflect critical thought and try to relate to real-world applications (i.e. jobs).**** ANSER ONLY 2**** 1)What are the effects of innovation and technology on the cost of production? How does technology affect market structure and real-world competition? Which market structure is best suited for technological innovation? Explain your answer. 2)What factors influence a firm¿s competitive strategies? How does global economic competition affect the price elasticity in the domestic market and decisions related to the strategy a firm uses to compete? Why do most economists oppose trade restrictions? Who have been the winners and losers as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement? Explain your answer. 3)ow do you define social diversity and business ethics? How has a more diversified labor force affected the corporate structure and the economy? What are some potential roadblocks in promoting a diverse workplace? Explain your answer. 

Reference no: EM13661096

Questions Cloud

What are some examples of hindu joint family in india : What are some examples of hindu joint family in india?
Find the velocity of the camera just before it hits ground : A parachutist with a camera descends in free fall at a speed of 11 m/s. The parachutist releases the camera at an altitude of 140 meter. Find the velocity of the camera just before it hits ground
How might the political ideology of a host government : How might the political ideology of a host government influence the process of negotiating access between the host government and a foreign MNE? In what ways or for what reasons might a country encourage or discourage FDI because of its ideology?
Find how far has it gone : A vehicle starts from rest and travels for 5.0 second with a uniform acceleration of +1.8 m/s2. Find how far has it gone
What are some potential roadblocks in promoting : What are some potential roadblocks in promoting a diverse workplace? Explain your answer.
Find the period of whistle while in uniform circular motion : While lifeguarding, Jenny is twirling a whistle in uniform circular motion next to herself (the whistle is moving in a vertical plane). Find the period of whistle while in uniform circular motion
Find the location of the second friend relative to the first : Two friends are watching a bird flying above them and recording its location in time. Find the location of the second friend relative to the first
The lifeline of an organisation : Effective communication is called the lifeline of an organisation
Obtain the shortest distance in which bus can come to halt : A bus is traveling at a speed of 25.0m/s along a level road. Find the shortest distance in which the bus can come to a halt without causing the crate to slip forward relative to the bus


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