What are some particularly vexing problems

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Reference no: EM131443413

Multiple Source Essay, Speculating about Causes/Proposing a Solution

In this unit we've explored ways the world is not as just as we'd like it to be. Using the articles and videos we've watched for this unit, write an essay highlighting a particular cause(s) to the world being unjust, or write an essay highlighting a particular solution(s) to help make the world more just. Be sure to introduce and develop the topic about how we (e.g., the United States, your home country, or the world)lack justice in some ways a

Multiple Source Essay, Speculating about Causes/Proposing a Solution
In this unit we've explored ways the world is not as just as we'd like it to be. Using the articles and videos we've watched for this unit, write an essay highlighting a particular cause(s) to the world being unjust, or write an essay highlighting a particular solution(s) to help make the world more just. Be sure to introduce and develop the topic about how we (e.g., the United States, your home country, or the world)lack justice in some ways and to argue why this is the case (e.g., racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamaphobia-or other religious bigotry, police brutality/government oppression), while anticipating your readers' likely objections to your argument.
Criteria you'll be graded on
A focused, well-definedintroduction to justice
• A few paragraphs or so laying out what justice is to you and what are some particularly vexing problems with being a more just society
• A thesis stating your preferred causes(s)/solution(s)
A well-supported position and causal analysis with properly synthesized sources
• Several paragraphs in which you argue to support your thesis's assertionsspeculating about cause(s) of injustice or proposing a solution(s) to injustice.
An understanding of and effective response to objections and/or alternative causes with properly synthesized sources
• A paragraph/section of objections and/oralternative causes or weaknesses and/or inadequate solutions, in which you concede that others might justifiably find fault with your causes/solutions. Explain your concession.
• Anticipates and effectively responds to readers' objections and/or alternative causes or weaknesses and/or inadequate solutions.
• A "nevertheless" section, in which you respond to the objections(s) and/or alternative causesor weaknesses and/or inadequate solutionswhile reaffirming your own position.
A clear, logical organization
• Paragraphs and sections are properly laid out and have effective flow and logic
• Effective topic and "wrap up" sentences
• Transition words
• Appropriate use of headings, if applicable
An engaging, mature writing style and proper APA formatting
• Title page, References page, proper page header format, and in-text citations

nd to argue why this is the case (e.g., racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamaphobia-or other religious bigotry, police brutality/government oppression), while anticipating your readers' likely objections to your argument.
Criteria you'll be graded on
A focused, well-definedintroduction to justice
- A few paragraphs or so laying out what justice is to you and what are some particularly vexing problems with being a more just society
- A thesis stating your preferred causes(s)/solution(s)
A well-supported position and causal analysis with properly synthesized sources
- Several paragraphs in which you argue to support your thesis's assertionsspeculating about cause(s) of injustice or proposing a solution(s) to injustice.
An understanding of and effective response to objections and/or alternative causes with properly synthesized sources
- A paragraph/section of objections and/oralternative causes or weaknesses and/or inadequate solutions, in which you concede that others might justifiably find fault with your causes/solutions. Explain your concession.
- Anticipates and effectively responds to readers' objections and/or alternative causes or weaknesses and/or inadequate solutions.
- A "nevertheless" section, in which you respond to the objections(s) and/or alternative causesor weaknesses and/or inadequate solutionswhile reaffirming your own position.
A clear, logical organization
- Paragraphs and sections are properly laid out and have effective flow and logic
- Effective topic and "wrap up" sentences
- Transition words
- Appropriate use of headings, if applicable
An engaging, mature writing style and proper APA formatting
- Title page, References page, proper page header format, and in-text citations

Reference no: EM131443413

Questions Cloud

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How did world war ii greatly expand the use of arbitration : Explain the contract bar doctrine. How would it influence the negotiation of the first labor agreement? How did World War II and the National War Labor Board greatly expand the use of arbitration?
What are some particularly vexing problems : write an essay highlighting a particular cause(s) to the world being unjust, or write an essay highlighting a particular solution(s) to help make the world more just.
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Material where the speed of sound : What is the wavelength (in m) of a 8 KHZ sound wave in a material where the speed of sound is 1540 m/s?
What new competing political and societal beliefs : What new competing political and societal beliefs arose in the 19th century (the various new "isms")? How did these beliefs address the problems of the era, and who were the individuals that advanced these ideas
Calculate the linear mass density of the rope : A wave is sent back and forth along a rope 4 m long with a mass of 3.5 kg by exerting a force a force of 30 N. Calculate the linear mass density of the rope (in kg/m).


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