What are some of the reasons that foreign manufacturers

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133467328

Homework: Business Finance- Management

Using a graphic organizer of your choice, create a visual graphic that explains your answer to the question below. Respond to at least one other peer's homework responses.

In June 2017, BMW announced plans to spend $600 million to expand production at its South Carolina plant. The new investment would allow BMW to prepare for the new X model of SUVs. BMW apparently felt it would be better able to compete and create value with a U.S.-based facility. In fact, BMW expected to export 70% of the vehicles produced in South Carolina. Also in 2017, noted Taiwanese iPhone supplier Foxconn announced plans to build a $10 billion plant in Wisconsin, and Chinese tire manufacturer Wanli Tire Corp. announced plans to build a $1 billion plant in South Carolina.

Question: What are some of the reasons that foreign manufacturers of products as diverse as automobiles, cell phones, and tires might arrive at the same conclusion to build plants in the United States?

For editable graphic organizers, please check out:

• Graphic Organizers
• Free Graphic Organizer Templates
• 8 Editable Graphic Organizer Templates for Google Apps

Tips for Designing a Graphic Organizer:

A graphic organizer, also known as a knowledge map, concept map, cognitive organizer, advance organizer, or concept diagram is a tool that uses visual symbols to express knowledge and concepts through relationships between them. The main purpose of a graphic organizer is to provide a visual aid to facilitate learning.

Examples of Graphic Organizers:

• T-Charts
• Concept Maps
• Venn Diagram
• Flow Charts in Google Slides.

Reference no: EM133467328

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