What are some of the reasons that amelias mother may have

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Reference no: EM133438406

Case Scenario:

Amelia Jackson is a five-year-old in a kindergarten classroom.  Amelia lives with her mother and grandmother and sees her father every other weekend.  Now that it is January, her teacher, Christine Richardson, is becoming concerned about Amelia's solitary play behavior and developmental level.  Amelia can only identify two colors and the letters that begin her first and last names.  Her mother has been unavailable during the last conference period, but Christine feels it is time they spend some time discussing Amelia's development.  The teacher has many questions that she would like to ask the mother.

Part 1.  You are the teacher.

What are the concerns you have?  What are the questions you would like to ask?  Why?

Part 2. Reflection.  After Reading Chapter 9....

  1. What are some of the reasons that Amelia's mother may have been unavailable during the last conference period? What could Ms. Richardson do to make it more likely that the mother would be able to meet for a conversation?
  2. As the teacher prepares for this conference, what are some of the issues she needs to take into account?
  3. Suggest a first sentence or two that might help set a positive tone for the conference.
  4. Describe several potential pitfalls that this teacher needs to be careful to avoid.
  5. What would you see as a hoped-for result of this conference?

Reference no: EM133438406

Questions Cloud

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