What are some of the major issues in homeland security

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Reference no: EM131332768


1. What are some of the major issues in homeland security? If you were to rank these issues in order , what would that look like? Explain

2. This video, "The Future of Fusion Centers: Potential Promise and Dangers" "covers a debate about the future of fusions centers. What is your perspective on this issue?

3. I think that closing GuantanamoBay presented way more issues than the Administration had considered before they made that promise. Primarily, where do you put these people once the facility is shuttered? Many of these detainees have been held for over a decade, their former lives all but gone. The option to return to their home country doesn't even exist for some of them. I heard a story on NPR last month, I wish I could find it, about a man who was unable to return to his home nation because he was arrested on suspected terrorism charges, they don't want him back regardless of being released when no connection to terrorism was found. He has had to resettle elsewhere after his release. Additionally, lawmakers have nixed any possibility of detainees being transferred to U.S. prisons (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-30820897). There are other concerns as well, such as detainees becoming radicalized or returning to fight for groups such as Islamic State.

4. Gitmo houses some of the worlds most violent criminals; people who have committed heinous acts against humanity. Today there was a debate in the Senate on this very topic, "Sens.Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, John McCain of Arizona, Richard Burr of North Carolina and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have introduced legislation to legally reinstate a ban on detainees being transferred to Yemen during Obama's remaining two years in office" (USNEWS.com). Additionally, the bill would also suspend the transfer of high - or medium-risk terror suspects and to appeal the current legislation in place that allows the administration to transfer suspects to other countries.

These suspects have been detained in Gitmo for a reason. Gitmo has a world wide stigma as "the place where world criminals go to die". Personally, I feel the facility serves an important purpose; to show that America is a World Power with means and ability to strike down anyone who commits an act in the world's playing field that disrupts the pursuit of peace.

1. Fully explain intelligence-led policing and total criminal intelligence. (Provide in-text citations connected to listed source references)

2. On January 22, 2009, President Obama signed an executive order requiring the closing of the detention facilities at the Guantanamo Bay Military Base in Cuba. To date, the detention facility has not been closed and is still being utilized to detain unlawful, enemy combatants suspected of acts of terrorism. The one year deadline has come and is "long gone", but the facility is still operating. Why do you think that is?

3. Complete Reaction Paper that will consist of a critical analysis of and reaction to one of this module's assigned full chapters that you select (an introduction to homeland security). In addition, your critique in Reaction Paper 4 must be in full APA style, formatted with in-text citations, and have a minimum of 800 words in length excluding the cover page, abstract page, and reference page. When completing Reaction Paper 4, you should think in terms of providing a critical synthesis and overview, highlighting significant points and facts, and closing with a well-reasoned and informed conclusion. (needs an abstract)

4. Case brief Ashcroft v kidd.

Reference no: EM131332768

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