What are some of the limits placed on confidentiality

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Reference no: EM131629640


As the office manager of a medium-sized medical practice group, you have compiled a compliance plan for the office. Your compliance plan was reviewed and the board of directors asked if you would present your compliance plan to a group of office managers.

Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes.

Include the following sections in your presentation:

Introduction, explaining the importance of legal knowledge in the medical office

Employment Law

How do job descriptions, procedural manuals, and office handbooks aide in ensuring compliance with employment law? Provide examples of the information these documents might include in order to comply with specific employment laws.

What are a few of the most critical policies and procedures necessary to ensure the office's compliance with federal employment laws?

Privacy and Confidentiality

What policies and procedures are necessary to ensure the office's compliance with confidentiality and privacy requirements?

What are some of the limits placed on confidentiality?


Highlight critical components of the American Medical Association Principles of Medical Ethics on pp. 256-257 of the text. Explain how each component is important to the success of your medical office.

Present a situation in which the code of ethics of a medical professional is tested. Describe the situation and the possible consequences for the medical professional if they violate the office code of ethics

Conclusion, explaining how having a better understanding of the law makes you a more effective medical professional.

Reference no: EM131629640

Questions Cloud

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Can you argue for or against these two positions : Can you argue for or against these two positions? For Polygyny part of discussion, lets see if you can discuss it without referring to or mentioning the LDS.
What are some of the limits placed on confidentiality : Explaining the importance of legal knowledge in the medical office. What are some of the limits placed on confidentiality?
Explanation professional qualities would you be seeking : If you were looking for a therapist for yourself, what personal and professional qualities would you be seeking
At what rate does area of the portion of the moon visible : A satellite is free falling from a distance of the surface of the moon with radius, with zero initial velocity.
Analyze why people differ from the rational choice paradigm : Analyze why people differ from the rational choice paradigm when identifying problems/opportunities, evaluating/choosing alternatives, and evaluating decision.
How can you be more proactive to prevent problems : How can you be more proactive to prevent problems before they even occur? Would the outcome have been different if you had followed?


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