What are some of the issues that concern you about violet

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Reference no: EM133296407

Case Part 1

Seventeen-year-old Justin Sutton took his own life last night with a handgun owned by his parents. Recently, several of his peers had posted photographs and demeaning comments about him on social media, suggesting that Justin was gay. This was only the most recent incident in a long history of bullying and depression experienced by Justin, who had been meeting with his guidance counselor regularly. The counselor had referred him for mental health services, and he'd been waiting for his first appointment.

Questions for students:

What risk factors are commonly associated with teen suicide? Which risk factors are observed in Justin's situation?

Think of your high school days or the community where you grew up (if you are older, you could consider the experience of your children). What do you remember about classmates with severe depression or anxiety and suicidal tendencies? What kind of supports were available in your school or community? To what extent was the issue of teen depression and teen suicide discussed in your school or community?

Case Part 2

Darnell, who is 56 years old, is of African American heritage and has a diagnosis of late-stage colon cancer. His physician has indicated that there are no additional medical interventions to treat the condition. The physician has contacted the home health agency and requested that a nurse visit the family. Amy, a home health nurse from the AOM Home Health Agency, visits Darnell and his wife, Carlene, to discuss their available support systems and possibly arrange for Darnell to have hospice care services.

Questions for students:

For individuals with a terminal diagnosis, what end-of-life nursing interventions can contribute to a meaningful quality of life?
What are the admission criteria for hospice care? Does it sound like Darnell meets these criteria?
What is the philosophy of hospice care? Where are hospice services provided (e.g., the home, an institution, other)?
What role do nurses have in hospice care? Compare this with the provision of palliative care nursing interventions in general practice.

Case Part 3

Violet Berry is a 16-year-old Black female who is 28 weeks pregnant. She is gravida 1. She lives at home with her mother, grandmother, grandfather, and younger brother. Violet is in 10th grade at the local high school. She is 63 inches tall. Her pre-pregnancy weight was 110 pounds, and she currently weighs 118 pounds. She has generally been feeling well. The father of the baby, Cory Peterson, is also in 10th grade and tells Violet he wants to be a part of the life of her and the baby after the delivery. Violet went for her first visit to the prenatal clinic last week. She waited as long as she could because she did not want to tell her family that she was pregnant.

Current data reveal a reversal in the increase of teen pregnancy in the United States (Daley, 2012; www.cdc.gov); however, even with this lower rate, the United States continues to have the highest of teen birth rates of all industrialized nations. Most teens still report pregnancies as unintended. Early parenthood frequently influences the educational, developmental, social, mental health, and financial outcomes especially for the teen mother, but also for her child, family, and community. Additionally, teen pregnancy influences the rate of sexually transmitted infections among the teen population, which is among some of the highest.

Questions for students:

What are some of the issues that concern you about Violet?
What other information might you want to know from Violet?
What important data are related to infant mortality and teen pregnancy?

Reference no: EM133296407

Questions Cloud

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