What are some major problems that can cause network designs

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131267476

1. Organization XYZ has just been granted access to the LAN of the ABC organization to access Web-based applications over the Internet. Organization ABC has established what type of access?
Remote Protocol Exchange

2. The ________________ is a WAN network that includes hundreds of thousands to millions of machines and users worldwide.
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

3. Which of the following is considered a component of a network?
All of the above

4. Which is true about a network hub?
When a frame is sent from one computer to another, the hub retransmits it to all computers attached.
it keeps a table of addresses and ports.
Each circuit connected to it is not shared.
Internally, the logical topology is a set of point-to-point circuits.

5. Hubs and switches also act as __________ to help prevent attenuation.
junction points
layer 2 devices

6. A ___________ connect(s) two similar networks having the same network protocol and chooses the best route between two networks when there are multiple paths.
router and modem
None of the above

7. In the case of Internet operation, a network access point is ______.
the point that links regional ISPs
used by National ISPs to exchange data
used to exchange data between local servers and local ISPs
used as a redundant path between local ISPs

8. Your organization has been the victim of a recent DoS on one of your public websites. Your CIO wants this problem to have minimal impact on your organization in the future. What is the best technology to deploy to quickly detect and take action on a DoS attack once it starts?
Intrusion detection system
Traffic filters and traffic limiting

9. Your organization has decided to host a web server that will be accessible by the public. Organizational leadership is concerned about the web server being compromised and thus allowing the remaining network to be compromised. You want to come up with a solution to host and secure the Web server internally but still protect your network. What should you do?
Use a firewall
Put the web server on the DMZ
Put the web server in front of the firewall.
Chassis based switch

10. The building block design approach is sometimes called ______.
wide and shallow
narrow and deep
wide and deep
narrow and shallow

11. Your company is new and finally has acquired an operating facility. You are in change of designing the network. Organizational leadership has explained to you that they want a network that is simplistic, standardized, and that can be implemented in less than one year. What design option would best suit the needs of the organization?
Needs analysis
Traditional network design
Building-block network design
Lateral network design

12. __________ policies attempt to allocate costs associated with a WAN or a mainframe to specific users.
Web spinning
Internet access fees
Support staff billing

13. Discuss and describe three trends in communications and networking.

14. Discuss and support your opinions of why combining voice and data is a major organizational challenge. Include your thoughts on its possible impacts on the organization in terms of competitive advantage, internal organization, and so forth.

15. Switched Ethernet networks dominate the landscape of computer networks today. What improvements do Switched Ethernet networks have over its predecessor Shared Ethernet networks? Be specific and answer in details.

16. What are the preferred technologies used in the three technology layers in backbone design? Describe each of the technologies in detail.

17. What are the principal organizations responsible for Internet governance, and what do they do?

18. Viruses and worms are issues that any networking professional must face. Compare and contrast viruses and worms. Be n.

19. What are some major problems that can cause network designs to fail? Provide the problems in detail.

20. The total cost of ownership (TCO) is a measure of how much it costs per year to keep one computer operating. TCO includes the cost of support staff to attach it to the network, install software, administer the network (e.g., create user ids, backup user data), provide training and technical support, and upgrade hardware and software. It also includes the cost of time "wasted" by the user when problems occur or when the user is attempting to learn new software.

Reference no: EM131267476

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