What are some main considerations made by the therapists

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Reference no: EM133600608

Problem: I love how our field is constantly evolving and changing. Cyclical relational patterns are a modern way of viewing a client's relationship patterns in session and as they apply to relationships in their real lives (Kealy & Ogrodniczuk, 2019). This term is related to transference, but is more descriptive and helps us focus on the present moment. Exploration of cyclical relational patters is a central tenet to psychodynamic psychotherapy (Kealy & Ogrodniczuk, 2019). Let's start with a deep dive into a cyclical relational psychodynamic approach to therapy. What are some main considerations made by the therapists when using this approach? How does it work in session and how does it translate to the client's daily lives outside of therapy?

Reference no: EM133600608

Questions Cloud

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What are some main considerations made by the therapists : How our field is constantly evolving and changing. What are some main considerations made by the therapists when using this approach?
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