What are some likely future uses and enhancements

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13751348

Develop the flow diagram of the information and any control elements needed to ensure proper access for the information.

Submit a draft PowerPoint presentation with the following elements:

A diagram of the information flow and any elements controlling proper access to the information it uses

A description of any proposed business process changes for the system along with flow diagrams

A specific discussion on any Internet and mobile access components of the system

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper on a specific web or mobile application.

Describe a specific web or mobile application'spurpose. How is it used? What changes has it brought about to its users? What are some likely future uses and enhancements?

Reference no: EM13751348

Questions Cloud

Determine the fundamental manner : Determine the fundamental manner in which social media can help and / or hinder the selected organization in reaching its target market.
Write paper on creating and accessing arrays : Write a 2 page research paper (excluding the title page) on creating and accessing arrays. Explain the concepts discussed in the textbook using at least one example not included in the textbook
What is the purpose of erp systems : What is the purpose of ERP systems and How are ERP systems implementedand upgraded
Write paper on trace live of jesus and mohammed historically : Write a paper on Trace the lives of Jesus and Mohammed historically, Compare what impact the death of each person had on his respective religion and Describe the ways each individual was or is worshipped.
What are some likely future uses and enhancements : Describe a specific web or mobile application'spurpose. How is it used? What changes has it brought about to its users? What are some likely future uses and enhancements
Characteristic of the mechanistic model of organization : Which of the following is typically a characteristic of the mechanistic model of organization?
How many students need to be entered : Write a program that would allow a user to enter student names and Final grades (e.g. A,B,C,D,F) from their courses. You do not know how many students need to be entered
Compare and contrast the british and spanish imperial goals : Compare and contrast the British, French, and Spanish imperial goals in North America between 1580 and 1763.
What is the status of women in the us today : What is the status of women in the U.S. today? What are some examples of concepts or constructions of masculinity and femininity that you see in society and in media?


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