What are some issues that employers should consider

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Reference no: EM131887031

Case Study: 1. Employers in Singapore Adopt a Pledge of Fair Employment Practices

The Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP) was developed by the Thparite partners: the Singapore National Employers FederationiSingaporc Business Federation, the National Trades Union Congress, and the Ministry of Manpower. TAFEP advocates the adoption of fair employment practices and the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive workforce and develops guidelines, programs, and tools to help employers implement fair employment practices:

Tripartite Guidelines on Non-Discriminatory Job Advert,semenfs. These guidelines serve as a reference for employers when drafting their job advertisements. The Ministry of Manpower. together with the SingaporeNational Employers' Federation, Singapore Business Federation and the National Trades Union Congress, issued these guidelines in 1999 to promote the use of objective criteria In the recruitment of job candidates. it later reviewed the guidelines, taking into consideration public feedback on job advertisements and released the updated guidelines in September 2006.

Employers' Pledge or Fair Employment Practices. The pledge lists the five key principles of fair employment practices endorsed by the tripartite partners:

• Recruit and select employees on the basis of merit, such as skills_ experience, and ability, regardless of age, race, gender. religion, or family status.

• Treat employees fairly and with respect. and implement progressive HRM systems.

• Provide employees with equal opportunities for training and development based on their strengths and needs to help them achieve their full potential.

• Reward employees fairly based on their ability, performance. contribution, and experience

• Abide by labor laws and adopt the Tripartite Guidelines, which promote fair employment practices.

Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices. The guidelines provide specific examples and explanations of the key principles provided above.

Questions: 1. Review the five key principles endorsed by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices_ Do you think the United States or the state you reside In (ix both) should request that employers agree to a simirar pledge?

2. Are there employment issues or topics relevant to SHRM that are missing from the key principles? If so. what are they?
Source! Tripartite Alliance tor Fair Employment Practices. vinivw.ne-rnpioyer5,00mipublicAnciLatirdep.isp

2. Tattoos in the Workplace

A Harris poll released February 23, 2012. found that one in five adults (21 percent) has at least one tattoo_ It also found that those with tattoos and those without tattoos have different impressions of people with body art:

• Forty-five percent of the adults surveyed said that people with tattoos are less attractive, 39 percent said they were less sexy, 27 percent said they were less intelligent. and 25 percent said they are ress healthy than others_

• Fifty percent of people wit of tattoos thought those with body art are more rebellious than those without tattoos.

Those with tattoos have different opinions_ They said their tattoos made thenr1 feel

• Sexy, 30 percent

• Rebellious, 25 percent

• Attractve or strong. 21 percent

• Spiritual. 16 percent

• Healthy. 9 percent;

• Intelligent, 8 percent

• Athletic, 5 percent

Questions: 1. Does an employer have a right to institute personnel policies in regard to standards for appearance? Explain your answer.

2. What are some issues that employers should consider when developing general standards for appearance?

Reference no: EM131887031

Questions Cloud

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What are some issues that employers should consider : What are some issues that employers should consider when developing general standards for appearance?
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