What are some important elements of black worship

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Reference no: EM133239306


I. We have learned that for many slaves, access to formal religious practice was denied. It was not encouraged for slaves to learn about the Sermon on the Mount or other parts of the New Testament that seemed to suggest that all persons had dignity. It was preferable to expose slaves to passages that encouraged obedience to masters and authority - if any parts of the Bible were shared with slaves at all.

Slaves who learned to read or were given the opportunity to learn about the parts of scripture that spoke of redemption, freedom, heaven, and of the lowly inheriting the earth or even about the heroes like David, Samson, Daniel, and Moses who overcame oppression and slavery. This was a very powerful tool for a people who could not count on redemption in the world run by slaveholders.

Two important elements to black worship were rhythm and music. The emotional force of the music would sometimes put the participants in an ecstatic state which was referred to as "getting happy". This phenomenon of particular rhythms evoking emotion occurs in other enslaved black peoples of the African diaspora. It may originate to folkloric religions in Africa.

II. Below you will see a slave transcribed slave narrative about "having church" (they are further transliterated for the modern student).


"No sir. We never goes to church. Times we sneaks in the woods and pray the Lord to make us free and times one of the slaves got happy and they heared at the big house and then the overseer came and whip us 'cause we prayed they Lord to set us free.

When they sing 'Steal Away to Jesus' that mean there going to be a 'ligious (religious) meetin' that night. That the sig'fication (meaning) of a meetin'. The masters 'fore an' after freedom didn't like them 'ligious meetin's, so us natcherly (naturally) slips off at night down in the bottoms or somewheres. Sometimes us sing and pray all night." ___ a slave from Texas.

1. What can we infer from this slave's account of how they had "prayer" while in bondage?

2. Why did the have to hide their devotions?

Audio cut from the documentary " A History of the African-American Church"

1. From what we have learned about slavery so far, what do you think is the significance of the black church?

2. What are some important elements of black worship?

Reference no: EM133239306

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