What are some comparisons that have a well-developed focus

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133339488

  1. What are some comparisons that have a well-developed focus that explores one central idea between the movies Juile and Juila and East Side Sushi? Consider the significance of a particular food or food-related imagery, theme, or any other literary device the two texts share.
  2. What are some comparisons that have a well-developed focus that explores one central idea between the movies Juile and Juila and Babette's Feast? Consider the significance of a particular food or food-related imagery, theme, or any other literary device the two texts share.
  3. What are some comparisons that have a well-developed focus that explores one central idea between the movies Burnt and Julie and Julia? Consider the significance of a particular food or food-related imagery, theme, or any other literary device the two texts share.

Reference no: EM133339488

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