What are some challenges with treating all workers equally

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132243158

Question: A global company, by definition, will have workers from different countries. It is to be expected, then, that there will be differences-not only in language but in the manner of negotiating, how individuals conduct themselves, and so on. Managing a diverse workforce can be quite challenging, which often brings up the question of how management should conduct itself. Choose a position, and discuss the following:

• FOR argument: As a manager in a global company, would you be for treating all workers-no matter where they come from-the same? That is, do you think that there should be no accommodations for differences in culture? What are some challenges with treating all workers equally? What are some benefits?

• AGAINST argument: As a manager in a global company, would you be against treating all workers-no matter where they come from-the same? That is, do you think that accommodations should be made for differences in culture? What are some challenges with adjusting your management style to each worker? What are some benefits?

Reference no: EM132243158

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