What are social cultural and observational aspects at play

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133474175



Students will work individually to apply concepts from the course to evaluate the actions of a leader and the process of leadership in a case study (15 points). Students will be assessed using the rubric below, based on the extent to which they effectively support their critique and analysis with evidence from course materials and readings. In addition, students will be assessed based on the quality of their individual contributions and group responses.

Case Study Prompt Responses

Download the Case Study file here, and review the case study scenario, questions and rubric.

After reading through the case study, respond to each question prompt in a separate document (3 questions total). Be sure to follow APA format for your response submission. Each answer must have at least 2 paragraphs that are ROBUST (5 sentences each) and should cite a different course material for each answer.

Submit your case study prompt responses to this homework tab.

Before reviewing the case study below, remember the following:

"Identity is who a person believes they are and how society groups membership. More generally, identity constantly evolves and changes. A barrier to consider when developing a leadership identity is how it is socially constructed, complex, and multifaceted. Social identities all intersect with your leader identity" (Guthrie et al., 2021).

Case Study 1

You are in a group project for a class, with five other peers. You are tasked with completing a group book review project, and need to schedule a first meeting for the group. A guy in your group named Jamie sends out a scheduling poll that includes times to meet between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, to find a common time, and asks that everyone complete it by Friday at noon. Friday at noon rolls around, and everyone in your group except one person, named Khloe, has responded. You know Khloe from working with her on a previous project. Jamie sends a follow up e-mail to the group around 1:00 PM calling out Khloe for not filling out the scheduling poll. Jamie's e-mail text can be read below:

Hi guys,

I know that everyone's busy, but it's been a week, and everyone has filled out the scheduling poll, except Khloe. The doodle shows everyone can meet at 3:00 PM on Tuesday at Strozier, except for Khloe, but since she hasn't filled it out, let's just go ahead and meet anyway.

See you then,


First take the lens of observing the situation: what are the social, cultural, and observational aspects at play? What do you notice internally before responding? Consider what you have learned about leadership observation, social identities, social location, and more.

Saturday afternoon, you receive e-mail from Khloe. The e-mail is below:


I'm not able to make the meeting at 3:00 PM. I work full-time from 7:00 AM to 2:30 PM and I have to pick up my daughter at 3:00 PM from school. Can we try to find another time to meet? If not, maybe you and I can meet to go over what I missed?

You respond:


No worries. I'm happy to find a time we can meet that works with your schedule to fill you in on anything you miss.

Khloe is grateful for your help. The group meeting comes around. You are walking into Strozier, and you see your group gathered at a table by Starbucks. As you approach, you overhear Jamie say the following to the group:

"I can't believe Khloe-how do you not even take the time to fill out a scheduling poll? It's ridiculous. Like, we're all busy. C'mon. I'm honestly about to email the instructor and tell them she's not pulling her weight.

You now know Khloe's story. What do you do?

Case Study Questions, to be answered in a separate document in APA format.

Question I. First take the lens of observing the situation: what are the social, cultural, and observational aspects at play? What do you notice internally before responding? Consider what you have learned about leadership observation, social identities, social location, and more. Please use citations and references to course material in your response.

Question II. What about power and privilege do you see showing up in this situation?

Question III. So far, we have read two chapters in the textbook, and watched several videos. Using these sources and correctly citing, select one course concept to drive your response to the case study. What concept did you select and why? Explain how it connects to how you would respond in this situation.

Reference no: EM133474175

Questions Cloud

What are the penalty risks to your client : What are the penalty risks to your client and your own firm if you rely on this report?Be sure to back up your opinion with articles Treasury Department
How important is the role of information sharing : How important is the role of information sharing when dealing in international markets? Take an example and explain
Discuss the measurement process : Discuss the steps that can be taken during the measurement process and the desired results of the measurement process.
Discuss at least three areas of business : Discuss ways in which different areas of business (for example: accounting, healthcare management, human resource management, finance, marketing, etc.)
What are social cultural and observational aspects at play : First take the lens of observing the situation: what are the social, cultural, and observational aspects at play?
Effects of the cruise ship industry on the planet : What, who, why this particular topic and how you plan to tackle the research. Tell me about your topic and how you plan to tackle/write it
Why is the privacy of patient information important : Why is the privacy of patient information important? What federal laws offer protection related to health information?
Explain the process of empowerment : Explain the process of empowerment and delegation in criminal justice organizations. Include the role of trust related to delegation and empowerment.
Write a short memo explaining the work of gasb : Write a short memo explaining the work of GASB based on its vision, mission, core values, and goals


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