What are smell memories and why do they occur

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Reference no: EM131628686


In the lecture, I mentioned that smell and memories are closely linked with various smells often triggering intense or vivid memories. Read the two articles and watch my brief demonstration video in the "Smell Memories Discussion"

Complete the following activity:

Gather a small sample of at least three of the following items: coffee beans (ground or whole), tea, cinnamon, chocolate, chap stick, any scented candle, a small amount of grass or dirt, a flower of any type, crayons or Play-Doh, and some sort of fresh fruit or herb and one or two uncommon items of your choosing!

Take a moment and with each sample, close your eyes and take in the smell of that item. Allow yourself to fully experience the smell by trying to clear your mind of all distractions and by taking your time rather than rushing through the experience.
For your actual discussion posting, please respond to the following questions:

1. Did you experience any intense memories or associations? Which items did you respond to the most? The least? Are there any other items you tried or would suggest?

2. What are smell memories and why do they occur? Note: The answer to these questions can be found in the articles in the link above so be sure to read them first and to be specific and detailed in describing what they are and why they occur in order to receive full points!
Article #1: How Smell Works
By Sarah Dowdey
October 29, 2007
Smell and Memory

A smell can bring on a flood of memories, influence people''s moods and even affect their work performance. Because the olfactory bulb is part of the brain''s limbic system, an area so closely associated with memory and feeling it''s sometimes called the "emotional brain," smell can call up memories and powerful responses almost instantaneously.

The olfactory bulb has intimate access to the amygdala, which processes emotion, and the hippocampus, which is responsible for associative learning. Despite the tight wiring, however, smells would not trigger memories if it weren''t for conditioned responses. When you first smell a new scent, you link it to an event, a person, a thing or even a moment. Your brain forges a link between the smell and a memory -- associating the smell of chlorine with summers at the pool or lilies with a funeral. When you encounter the smell again, the link is already there, ready to elicit a memory or a mood. Chlorine might call up a specific pool-related memory or simply make you feel content. Lilies might agitate you without your knowing why. This is part of the reason why not everyone likes the same smells.

Because we encounter most new odors in our youth, smells often call up childhood memories. But we actually begin making associations between smell and emotion before we''re even born. Infants who were exposed to alcohol, cigarette smoke or garlic in the womb show a preference for the smells. To them, the smells that might upset other babies seem normal or even comforting.

Scent Marketing

The California Milk Processor Board launched a scent marketing scheme in 2006 to accompany its "Got Milk?" campaign. The city of San Francisco called for an immediate removal of the cookie-scented strips after complaints.

Advertisers are eager to cash in on the close link between smell, memory and mood. Real estate agents have long used scent marketing as a way of putting clients at ease. Sellers set fresh pie or cookies on countertops to make a house seem comfy and livable. But because there''s a limit to how many pies one agent can bake, companies that sell aroma-marketing systems are stepping up. Housing developments, hotels, stores and even car manufacturers are turning to customized scents to help set a mood and maybe even make an impression.

Scent marketing is the latest trick to stand out from the visual and auditory barrage that dominates advertising. These scents, however, are a far cry from the strong smells of incense and patchouli at the bead store. They''re subtle and almost imperceptible to the unwitting sniffer. Developers use carefully tuned scents to lure customers into a sense of well-being. Stores that sell shoes or shirts, items ideally not associated with odor, formulate aromas of ivy or crisp linen. Some companies even strive to develop a "brand scent," something that customers will associate with the company as much as a logo.

3. How can you use the knowledge that there is a strong relationship between smells and memories in your personal life?

Verified Expert

The solution is about the smell and taste and it talks about the personal experiences which we can relate with philosophy and the smell relationship. The answer is written by my own personal experiences and with the help of article provided by the student. So hence in references only one link is provided. the word document includes Times Roman 12 point, cover page, double spaced and APA style of in-text citation and references.

Reference no: EM131628686

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