What are signs of substance diversion in nursing practice

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133628793


Janie is a new manager of a surgical unit at a local hospital. She meets Andrea, a night shift nurse, who has been in the unit for 15 years and is praised as being one the unit's "best nurses". Andrea always receives praise from her coworkers for being helpful and going "the extra mile" for her patients. Andrea is always willing to stay late to help the unit and picks up extra shifts as often as she can. Janie has noticed that recently the narcotic counts have been wrong and medications appear to be missing. In reviewing the reports, Andrea is often the nurse correcting the reports. One particular night shift, Janie visits the unit on a night shift and overhears that the medication drawer is missing 3 vials of dilaudid. Janie suspects that Andrea may be diverting the medications and wants to investigate.

  1. What are some physical symptoms and behavioral changes that Janie would expect to see if Andrea has a substance abuse problem and was using the dilaudid at work?
  2. Some studies show that substance abuse is thought to affect as many as 1 in 5 nurses. What are some signs of substance diversion in nursing practice?
  3. The other nurses on the unit are concerned about drug diversion behaviors and ask Janie what they can do to prevent diversion in the future. What are some potential ways that units and hospitals can reduce and prevent drug diversion?

Reference no: EM133628793

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