What are samila problems

Assignment Help Cost Accounting
Reference no: EM133272955

Samila is a mother of three children. Her husband works in China. He only returns home various times during the year. Samila looks after their two daughters and a son. She also has to care for her mother-in-law. She is lucky to leave her children with her mother-in-law when she goes for work. Samila has no formal education and she sells vegetables at the village bus stop. She earns very little money, but even so, it makes an important contribution to the running of her household. She wishes she knew how to sew clothes, because then perhaps she would be able to make more money. There are jobs for domestic workers in town. However, she thinks that selling vegetables is better than leaving her children behind in the village to work as a domestic worker in town.

In your opinion, what are Samila's problems? How could she solve these problems?

i. Consider All Factors - List the different issues Samila should consider in making decisions for solving her problem.

ii. Reasoning - Make a decision for Samila and explain why that is a good decision for her. Feel free to make up for the various circumstances in Samila's life - for example, whether Samila may attend some sewing classes or other courses to improve her skills. The more reasons you give for her decision, the better.

iii. Reflect - What critical thinking and reasoning process have you applied to make the decision for Samila?

Reference no: EM133272955

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