Reference no: EM132858382
The Plant Kingdom
All plants are photosynthetic, but there are a wide variety of forms, from simple mosses to ferns and large rainforest trees. This will give you a brief introduction to just a few of the diverse species in this kingdom.
A) Web site name: Kimball's Biology pages
Read "Mosses and liverworts (Bryophyta)"
1) What are three characteristics of bryophytes? ________________________ ____
2) Where do liverworts grow? ______________________________________
3) Why do mosses and liverworts never grow large? __
Look at the diagram on the right of the screen
4) What are produced by the sporangium, and grow into a protonema? __
5) What are produced by the antheridia? ___________________________
6) How do sperm travel from male to female plants? ____________________
7) What is the function of the foot of the sporophyte generation?
8) How are the spores dispersed? ___________________________________
9) What does the evidence from the chloroplast genome suggest about the relationship between mosses and liverworts? __
B) Web site name: University of California, Berkeley.
Read "Introduction to the Psilotales"
10) Why were the Psilotales believed to be remnants of an extinct group of plants?
11) Why are they now sometimes classified with ferns? ___________________ __
12) Why are the enations on the stem not called leaves? __________________ __
13) How do the gametophyte plants get their nutrition? ___________________ __
14) What is the function of the endodermis? ____________________________
C) Web site name: Palomar College; Wayne's World (Ferns)
Look at the "Fern Life Cycle" and read the information underneath the diagram.
15) Which stage ( sporophyte or gametophyte ) is larger in ferns? ___________
16) Which stage ( sporophyte or gametophyte ) is larger in Bryophyta ( mosses)? _________________________ ( If you can't remember, look back at the first website Mosses)
17) Draw a simple diagram of the life cycle of a fern :
D) Web site name: Genome News Network
Read "Ferns remove Arsenic from soil and water"
18) List four uses of arsenic: ____
19) What is the scientific name of brake fern? ___________________________
20) Why do residents of Spring Valley not want contaminated soil dug up?
21) Which household plants are toxic to pets and people ? __
22) Why is arsenic high in drinking water in some western states?
23) What advantages can you see in using ferns to remove arsenic from drinking water?
E) Web site name: Estrella Mountain Community College
Read "Gymnosperms are Seed plants"
24) What does "Gymnosperm" mean? _________________________________
25) What distinguishes cycads from seedless vascular plants ( such as ferns)? ____
26) Which cycad is the only one native to the continental United States? ______________ ___________________
27) Where do Ginkgo trees grow wild? _____________________________
28) Why are female Ginkgo trees not commonly planted? _________________ __
29) What are three characteristics of the "needles" (leaves) of conifers? ____
F) Web site name: Kimball's Biology Text
Read "Sexual Reproduction in Angiosperms"
30) Why must offspring be dispersed away from the parent?
___ ___
31) What is meant by "dioecious" plants?
32) What is the function of the synergid cells? __
32) Explain "double fertilization": ___________________________________ _______________
G) Web site name: Missouri Botanical Garden
Click on "Rainforest", then "Plants" and read "Plant Adaptations"
34) Why do tropical plants not need a thick bark? ______________________
35) Why do plant leaves need to shed water?
36) What animals live inside the tanks of bromeliads? ___________________
37) How do Nepenthes plants get extra nutrients? __
Click on "Economic Plants" on the left of the screen.
38) In which parts of the world are the following plants native?
a) rubber: ________________________
b) cola: ________________________
c) sugar cane: _____________________
Click on "Interesting Plants 1" on the left of the screen:
39) Why is the "Double Coconut" rarely planted? ________________________
40) Which plant has the largest flower clusters? __________________________
41) Give some information about one plant that is listed under "Interesting Plants 2" or "Interesting Plants 3":
H) Web site name : BBC News
Read "Earth's cloud forests threatened"
42) What is the "typical" altitude of cloud forests? _______________________
43) What percentage of the earth's tropical rainforests are cloud forests? ____%
44) Which part of the world has the most cloud forest? ____________________
45) Why are cloud forests useful to humans? ____________________________
46) What is probably the greatest threat to cloud forests?
I) Web site name: Forest Conservation
Scroll down to "How we work" and click on one article.
47) What is the title of the article? ____________________________________
48) Briefly describe what the article says:
Attachment:- plant.rar