What are preliminary observations about the depression score

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13220684

As part of a long-term study of individuals 65 years of age or older, sociologists and physicians at the Wentworth Medical Center in upstate New York investigated the relationship between geographic location and depression. A sample of 60 individuals, all in reasonably good health, was selected; 20 individuals were residents of Florida, 20 were residents of New York, and 20 were residents of North Carolina.Each of the individuals sampled was given a standardized test to measure depression. The data collected follow; higher test scores indicate h igher levels of depression. These data are contained in the file Medical 1.A second part of the study considered the relationship between geographic location and depression for individuals 65 years of age or older who had a chronic health condition such as arthritis, hypertension, and/or heart ailment. A sample of 60 individuals with such conditions was identified.Again, 20 were residents of Florida, 20 were residents of New York, and 20 were residents of North Carolina. The levels of depression recorded for this study follow. These data are contained in the file named Medical 2. Data From Medical 1:Florida: 3,7,7,3,8,8,8,5,5,2,6,2,6,6,9,7,5,4,7,3New York: 8,11,9,7,8,7,8,4,13,10,6,8,12,8,6,8,5,7,7,8 North Carolina: 10,7,3,5,11,8,4,3,7,8,8,7,3,9,8,12,6,3,8,11 Data from Medical 2:Florida: 13,12,17,17,20,21,16,14,13,17,12,9,12,15,16, 15,13,10,11,17New York: 14,9,15,12,16,24,18,14,15,17,20,11,23,19,17,14,9,14,13,11 North Carolina: 10,12,15,18,12,14,17,8,14,16,18,17,19,15,13,14,11,12,13,11 Managerial Report:

1. Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data from the two studies. What are your preliminary observations about the depression scores?

2. Use analysis of variance on both data sets. State the hypotheses being tested in each case. What are your conclusions?3. Use inferences about individual treatment means where appropriate. What are your conclusions?

Reference no: EM13220684

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