What are potential consequences of communicating message

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Reference no: EM131165760

1. Which of the following guidelines should be adhered to when using techniques or structured exercises in a group?
a. Techniques are used with consideration for the member's background.
b. Techniques and exercises are presented in an invitational manner to the member.
c. Techniques are abandoned if they prove ineffective.
d. Techniques are introduced in a sensitive and timely manner.
e. All of these choices.

2. By challenging members to think about early decisions they made about themselves and paying attention to members' self-talk, group leaders are drawing from the ________ approaches.
a. spiritual
b. cognitive
c. affective
d. behavioral

3. People who possess personal power are ones who:
a. defend themselves against self-knowledge.
b. may be frightened by certain qualities within themselves but don't allow their fear to stop them from examining these qualities.
c. None of these choices.
d. dominate and manipulate other people for their own gain.

4. In addressing racial and cultural differences between group leaders and members, the Coreys suggest that the initial step is to:
a. become unbiased.
b. communicate verbally that you are aware of the diversity within the room and that it will likely have an impact on the relationship and connections that are formed.
c. avoid speaking about the topic until a member raises it.
d. learn everything there is to know about the members' cultural backgrounds.

5. Some therapists have communicated to GLBT clients that they do not approve of their sexual identity and cannot continue to work with them because of moral or religious beliefs. What are the potential consequences of communicating this message?
a. GLBT clients will be eager to find a different therapist to work with.
b. GLBT clients may change their sexual identities upon realizing that therapists don't approve of their lifestyle.
c. GLBT clients are likely to feel positive regard towards the therapists who communicate this message
d. GLBT clients may feel judged, ridiculed, embarrassed, and pressured to be less than who they are.

6. One member of a domestic violence group happens to work in the same building as another group member. One day, the two group members ran into each other during the lunch hour. In the presence of their colleagues, one said to the other, "Hey, do you want a ride to group tonight?" Which of the following statements best describes this situation?
a. No breach of confidentiality occurred since the therapist is the only person bound by confidentiality.
b. The ethics board needs to be contacted, which may place the therapist's career in jeopardy.
c. None of the choices.
d. The group member who made the comment can be fined and terminated from the group.
e. It was a casual or subtle breach of confidentiality.

7. ________ groups are characterized by changing membership.
a. Open
b. Revolving
c. Long-term psychotherapy
d. Closed

8. Which of the following does not occur during the pregroup stage of group development?
a. attracting members
b. screening and selecting members
c. the orientation process
d. designing a proposal for a group
e. none of these choices

9. The ________of a group is a time of ________, and members tend to present the dimensions of themselves they consider to be socially acceptable.
a. transition stage; challenge
b. working stage; deep self-exploration and growth
c. initial stage; orientation and exploration
d. termination stage; reminiscing

10. Which of the statements below best captures the essence of what empathy means?
a. Empathy involves telling a person what to do after gaining an understanding of their circumstances.
b. Empathy and compassion are synonymous terms.
c. Empathy is showing a deep level of care and concern.
d. Empathy is the ability to tune in to what others are subjectively experiencing and to see the world through their eyes.

11. The Corey's groups tend to have a ________ focus.
a. there-and-then
b. here-and-now focus and a there-and-then
c. here-and-now
d. future-oriented

12. Nicole accused her group leader of not caring as much about her as the other members. This may be a:
a. genuine reaction to the way the leader was treating Nicole.
b. sign that transference is occurring or that the leader was treating Nicole differently than the other members.
c. sign that countertransference is occurring.
d. sign that transference is occurring.

13. The manner in which members display their resistance can be thought of as:
a. an indication of the leader's competence.
b. a reflection of the group's potential to become cohesive.
c. a window into the member's ego strength.
d. an attempt to irritate the leader or other members.

14. According to the Coreys, self-disclosure is not:
a. displaying hidden secrets to the group.
b. the means by which open communication occurs within the group.
c. a way of deepening one's self-knowledge.
d. one's willingness to make oneself known to others.

15. Humor in groups:
a. should never be used because it could potentially embarrass a group member.
b. can help group members gain insight or a new perspective on their problems.
c. rarely draws members closer.
d. has never been documented to be therapeutic.

16. If a group chooses to remain comfortable or to stick with superficial interactions and conceal reactions, ________ is/are likely to result.
a. fragmentation and lack of trust
b. cohesion
c. productive work
d. healthy norms

17. During the final stage of group, members need to be reminded that close relationships:
a. happen every so often and should be cherished when one is fortunate to experience one.
b. do not happen by accident.
c. developed within the group are probably the closest relationships they ever will form.
d. can be taken for granted more than casual relationships since they are based on a more secure foundation.

18. Future projection is:
a. a theoretical perspective that can be applied to group work.
b. a technique used in psychodrama to help group members express and clarify concerns they have about their future.
c. a technique used by behaviorally-oriented therapists.
d. a symptom of neurosis.

19. In adolescent groups, role playing:
a. often intensifies feelings.
b. gets people to identify with others.
c. fosters creative problem solving.
d. All of these choices.
e. encourages spontaneity.

20. Creative group techniques such as ________ can be used as catalysts for interaction in high school groups.
a. visual art
b. music and drama
c. movement
d. humor and play
e. All of these choices.

21. Which of the following groups may be used in treating survivors of childhood sexual abuse?
a. support groups
b. psychoeducational groups
c. retreats
d. all of the choices
e. support groups and psychoeducational groups

22. Eating disorders groups that are based on a cognitive behavioral approach aim to:
a. increase members' insight about themselves by examining their early recollections.
b. help members reintegrate aspects of themselves that they have disowned.
c. bring unconscious fears about losing control into conscious awareness and work with the material by fostering transference.
d. increase members' awareness of their thoughts and feelings associated with eating patterns and draw on strategies for changing their beliefs and behaviors.

23. Why do some researchers find that recruitment for groups is a major problem at college or university counseling centers?
a. Staff reluctance to promote groups as a treatment of choice.
b. Ineffective group formats.
c. Client resistance to participating in a group.
d. All of these choices.
e. Ineffective marketing of groups.

24. Stacy is planning a group for older adults and wants to include Alzheimer's patients and well functioning older adults. If you were her supervisor, what might you say to her?
a. "Why are you planning a group in the first place? Older people won't benefit from a group."
b. "Mixing these two populations of older adults may lead to fragmentation. It would be in the best interest of all members to separate the groups."
c. None of the choices.
d. "That's a great idea!"

25. Groups combining old and young people:
a. provide an economical response to the mental health needs of the increasing older population.
b. target loneliness, which may be at the core of some older adults' sense of despair.
c. create a vehicle through which young people can contribute something valuable to the community.
d. All of these choices.

Reference no: EM131165760

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