What are possible ramifications of manager actions

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131854361

Question: You have been hired by XYZ as a management consultant. They are a non-union company; however, they are currently facing a union organizing campaign. You have been asked to write a briefing memo for senior management. Your memo must address:

1. What are the basic differences, from the employer's viewpoint, in operating in a union-free environment vs. a unionized environment? (In other words, the managers of this company do not have experience working as a manager in a union workplace. What might change with a collective bargaining contract?)

2. What are management representatives permitted to say and do during the campaign? What, if any, actions or statements by management are prohibited?

3. What are possible ramifications of manager actions that are not permitted?

4. What are illegal union behaviors that management must identify?

5. What factors must management consider in deciding on whether or not they will conduct an anti-union campaign?

In responding, you must use three references. They should be from a scholarly journal or credible news source preferably not older than five years.


• Use Headings to separate the sections of the paper,

• Double-space, Times New Roman font,

• Title Page,

• Reference Page

• APA format and In-text Citations.

The following comments are based on the most frequent errors made by students.

• This paper is to be completed as a memo. This means you will use a memo format such as: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:

• This is a memo to management. It addresses management issues.

• You are a management consultant with a contract to educate and prepare management staff for a union campaign. This is not a memo to union members. You are not advising employees.

• Create your management consultant company name and introduce yourself to your intended audience.

• Remember, your advice to management personnel will guide their decision making and behavior during a campaign for union election.

Please make certain that you respond to each question completely. Visualize yourself presenting this to supervisors, managers and board members who have no experience with employee campaigns for unionization.

Reference no: EM131854361

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