What are porters generic strategies

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133331721



  1. Understand tools of internal analysis (value chain, resources, and capabilities)
  2. Understand difference between resources, capabilities and core competencies
  3. Understand the use of internal analysis for SWOT analysis
  4. Ways to identify competitors
  5. What are Porter's generic strategies? How can they be achieved?
  6. Differentiation along the consumption chain
  7. Why a focus/niche strategy?
  8. What does it mean to be "stuck in the middle"?
  9. What is an integrated approach and how it is possible?
  10. Blue ocean/red ocean strategies
  11. Competitive dynamics: definition and types of strategic moves
  12. Analysis of competitive moves
  13. Collaborative strategies
  14. Collaborative vs. competitive mindset
  15. Different ways of collaboration
  16. Alliance's types
  17. Why companies cooperate
  18. What are challenges of collaboration
  19. Understand opportunities and threats from Porter's five forces model
  20. How to synthetize the findings into opportunities and threats (SWOT)
  21. Identify and evaluate strategic options for an organization
  22. What is different M&As strategies?
  23. What are some of the rules to follow for acquisition?
  24. Competitive advantage cycle
  25. Hierarchy of strategy: corporate, business, functional strategies
  26. Directional corporate strategy: growth, stability, retrenchment
  27. Growth strategies: concentration, diversification, (internationalization)
  28. Related and unrelated diversification: pros and cons
  29. Non-Profit Organizations mission and strategy
  30. What is PEST analysis
  31. How to incorporate corporate social responsibility using value chain
  32. What are responsive and strategic CSR
  33. What is stakeholder analysis.

Reference no: EM133331721

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