Reference no: EM132998850
COMPANY ASSESSED: National Australian Bank Ltd
Summary Template T1: Mapping Stakeholders of the company National Australian Bank Ltd
List stakeholders for your company in the box below: (Include as many as you can think of.
- Each letter corresponds to a point on the stakeholder Map on the previous page. FOR EXAMPLE: F. = People who are likely to influence your organisation's performance (those with influence and decision makers). A = People you have legal, financial or operational responsibilities to AND Stakeholders who are affected by your organisation's operations AND People who are likely to influence your organisation's performance (those with influence and decision makers)
- Be as SPECIFIC as possible. Don't just say "customer", rather do a little research to find out who might buy their product.
- Put at least 4 (four) Stakeholders in every category below.
What are our external drivers for stakeholder engagement? ( Minimum of 4 Drivers)
What benefits can we gain from stakeholder engagement? (Minimum of 4 Benefits)
What are the risks of not engaging? (Minimum of 4 Risks)
Strategic objectives of engagement: (Minimum of 3 Strategic Objectives Written in Full Sentences)
Attachment:- Assignment - Stakeholder Mapping.rar