What are key components of a food safety program

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Reference no: EM131789272

Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

Task 1 - Identifying resource usage


You are required to take a walk around the campus and identify at least 5 things that we here at Stanley College could improve with regards to our more efficient use of electricity.

Look at equipment left on standby, power cables plugged in, switched on, maintenance of equipment, is this done regularly, is equipment working efficiently, is there anything you think that we can do as an organisation to reduce our carbon footprint when it comes to the wastage of electricity?

In the box provided below, please enter your findings in the box below.

Task 2 - Electricity meter readings exercise

During an experiment carried out here at Stanley college over the period of 3 days, we monitored the meter readings at three different stages

This is the busiest Campus which houses our Cookery Department and 6 large classrooms, all with projectors and numerous power sources, such as air-conditioning units, extension cables etc, I computer room with 4 desktop computers. Our restaurant, Kalao, which runs 7 days a week and many other facilities, where electricity is the main source of supply to operate machinery.

Stage 1: The first reading was taken at 2.30pm from the James Street Campus, Northbridge. Please see the attached document supplied for this exercise.

To be able to gauge the electricity would could save, during the next 24hour period we switched off equipment such as Microwaves left on standby, large office equipment, overhead projectors and many more in the surrounding offices and kitchen facilities.

Stage 2: We took a second reading. To see how much electricity was used during this 24hour period. Please refer to the second reading on the document supplied for this exercise.

Stage 3: We left everything on as would normally do when we leave at the end of the day for a further 24 hour period. At 2.30pm on the third day, our final reading was taken.

Using the attached document, and the information below, calculate the usage of the electricity used by subtracting the first reading from the second reading.

In the box marked "Total" enter the total saving over a 3 (three) day period.

Task 3 - Efficiency report

You have been asked to forward a report to the management on your findings.
Ensure you include the following information in your report. Use these as headers in your report to guide you through

The resource efficiency issue
The cause of the issue
The resources being measured
The method and technology used to measure usage
The results over a one-week period
Suggest a Relevant workplace policy and/or procedures that might be put in place

Participate in Safe Food Handling Practices

Assessment Instructions:
This assessment requires you to handle food safely during the storage, preparation, display, service and disposal of food. Please take the time to read all three case study sections and answer the appropriate questions for each section. Each set of answers must be done in relation to the appropriate section of case study.

Task 1: Case Study - How could this have happened?
Read the case study and answer the following questions 1-9:

Stephanie and Jack own Kalao Café and sandwich bar and have always been thorough about their hygiene procedures and personal hygiene standards. They were astounded when told that a number of customers had been sick. Over the past 24 hours customers had been vomiting and had severe headaches and diarrhoea after eating pre-prepared chicken and salad rolls from the sandwich bar.

Stephanie and Jack could not understand why the food poisoning had occurred. The chicken was delivered pre-cooked and always kept in the refrigerator when not in use. The rolls are prepared in the morning around 10 am. They are wrapped in cling film and stacked on a stainless steel tray on top of the counter. They are held there at room temperature until sold at some stage during the busy lunch time period from 12.30 to 2.30 pm. If they are not sold by 4 pm, they are thrown out.

Stephanie and Jack and the rest of the staff always wear a pair of protective rubber gloves when preparing all rolls and sandwiches prior to service, as they can prepare items faster using their hands than when using tongs and other utensils.

The local Environmental Health Officer (EHO) visited the restaurant and found bacterial growth in the chicken. Stephanie and Jack had to close their business while a complete investigation took place.

Q1: The food poisoning outbreak allegedly occurred due to a loss of control of a food safety hazard at one or more stages of the chicken's food production process.
Identify the potential food safety issue at each stage that could have contributed to the food poisoning outbreak, by choosing from an option in each critical control point.

Q2 b: How can you control this hazard?

Q3: How and when should the temperature of the chicken and prepared rolls be monitored?
Please make reference to your critical control points for this question.

Q4: Where should details about how to control this hazard, be documented, so that employees can access and follow the information?

Q5: Some of the people who were made ill by the contaminated chicken are classified as vulnerable or high-risk persons. In food safety terms, what is a vulnerable person?

Q6: The EHO has asked that all chicken currently held in storage be disposed of as it may be contaminated. You are in the process of emptying the fridges, cleaning them and returning safe food to their correct storage areas. How do you make sure the potentially contaminated food does not become mixed up with the safe food?

Q7: When should you dispose of the potentially contaminated food?

Q8.The sandwich bar contains a wide range of potentially hazardous foods, such as cold processed meats, dairy products, sliced or grated fruits and vegetables, and eggs or egg-based products. What are two work practices you can use to handle these foods safely and prevent contamination?

Task 2: Case Study - Take control
Read the new case study update and answer the following questions 1-4:

Stephanie and Jack are concerned the pre-prepared chickens they purchased from a supplier could have already been contaminated when they were delivered. They want to have more control over the production process to reduce the risk of another food poisoning outbreak. One option is to cook their own chickens on the premises rather than buying them pre-prepared. They have researched purchasing a small chicken rotisserie.

Q1: Once the chickens are cooked, they must be cooled before they can be used to prepare rolls and sandwiches. What are the time and temperature requirements for cooling food under the Food Standards Code and local legislation?

Q2: You have taken the temperature of the chickens three times in a row and are getting different results each time. You think the thermometer is not working correctly and needs to be recalibrated. Briefly describe the steps to recalibrate a probe thermometer using the boiling point method.

Q3: Should the benches and other surfaces be sanitised after cleaning? Please answer Yes or No, then explain your answer.

Q4: The dishwasher is not working properly. Dishes are coming out with food still attached to them and the plates are cold. Is this a food safety issue or a maintenance problem? What should you do? Explain your reasoning

Task 3: Case Study - Expanding the menu
Read the new case study update and answer the following questions 1-7:

In addition to cooking chickens for their rolls and sandwiches, purchasing the rotisserie could create new items for them to sell: whole or segmented hot chicken. Stephanie and Jack are considering installing a small self-service section that offers a daily hot roast. A hot display cabinet would hold pre-cooked chicken or meat, chips, vegetables and gravy. Customers purchase a plate and serve themselves from the display case.

Q1: What two techniques can be used to ensure the frozen vegetables remain frozen during storage?

Q2: You are setting up the hot display by stocking crockery, eating and service utensils. A number of the plates have small chips on the rim. What should you do?

Q3: They run out of chickens and must reheat some of the cooked and cooled chickens held in the refrigerator. According to food safety standards, how many times are you allowed to reheat potentially hazardous foods like chicken?

Q4: Customers have asked if the roast chicken meal can be placed in takeaway containers for them to take home or back to the office. If Stephanie and Jack decide to offer this service, how must these single use containers be stored?

Q5: How can you reduce the risk of pest infestation?

Q6: You've observed your colleagues using these work practices. Are they complying with food safety procedures and regulations or are they not conforming? Please tick YES or NO

Sarah ties her long hair up before starting work
Is she following food safety policies/procedures

Jess never washes the bins after emptying them
Is she following food safety policies/procedures
Matt regularly leaves the egg mayonnaise out on the workbench in the morning while preparing rolls and sandwiches
Is he following food safety policies/procedures

Q7: In reference to Question 6, what should you do if you think they are not conforming to food safety procedures and standards?

Q8. What are four key components of a food safety program?

Q9. List 3 high risk customer groups

Task 2: WHS Discussion

Your trainer will split you into groups of 4 to discuss the following scenario. Discuss and complete the following Hazard Identification form, assess the level of risk, what could happen if you do not get it fixed and suggest what can be done to put this right.
Once you have discussed this, complete the table below. Please put the name and student numbers of your group members. Send a copy to each member of the team so they can insert this into their assessment document.


You work as a kitchen hand in a large and busy kitchen in a large hotel. There are 30 employees just working in the kitchen alone.
You have noticed that one of the Robo CoupesTM is sparking up every time it is switched on in the morning. You have told your supervisor about it, but as he is really busy he doesn't have time to deal with it. You have heard other colleagues tell him about it and they get the same response, ‘Yes, I'll log a hazard form and get it sorted'.

It's been two weeks now and it still hasn't been dealt with. Each day it is turned on, the cord is sparking up more and more. Some of the employees will not use it altogether, which is causing a hold up in food preparation.

As you are a member of the WHS committee you have a discussion with other committee members. The level of risk should indicate, if the hazard is left as it is what is the likelihood it is going to be a danger to others and cause a risk to health and wellbeing. These are rated either low, medium or high.

Task 3 Questions
For this exercise you will need to have access to the internet to do the research. Remember, in WA our laws may be different to other States, so remember to do the right search when looking for Laws, Acts, and Regulations.

Q1: Where would you find the Stanley College Emergency Evacuation procedures? In your own words describe the steps you need to follow for an emergency evacuation from your classroom.

Q2: WHS Law requires you to display a copy of the Emergency Evacuation procedures where they can be seen. Locate this document in your classroom.

Q3: As a business, what are your responsibilities regarding WHS.

Answer the following questions (individually)

Q1: How do you greet your customer in a polite and friendly manner.

Q2: What questioning and listening techniques would you use to determine the customer's needs or concerns.

Q3: How could you put right the problems, delays or deficiencies to customer satisfaction in line with current level of responsibility? (this must be in line with your procedures given above)

Q4: When would your refer service issues to a higher-level staff member for action in line with organisational procedures, and how?


Read the e-mail from the customer before answering e-mail 2 and 3. Remember your responsibilities when responding and ensure that they are answered within a reasonable time, a response time section has been added to the e-mail and must be completed.
You have done your best to make sure the customer was happy with the decision you made. You come in the following morning and find an e-mail from the customer, but your manager has called in sick and you know you need to answer the e-mail straight away.

Using the templates below, remembering your responsibilities;
E-mail 1:
Read the customer's e-mail
E-mail 2:
Respond to the customers e-mail and copy this to your manager with the action you have taken.
E-mail 3:
Make suggestions on how you may change current processes when a manager is not available. This needs to be a suggestion on what you would change with regards to the current processes, which are:

Answer the following Questions

Q1: How do your personal presentation standards and those of your workplace influence a customer's impressions and satisfaction?

Q2: What are two general customer service standards expected by customers or businesses in the service industry?.

Q3: If you are unable to handle this situation, who would you report the issue to?

Q4: Why is it important to seek feedback from customers about the delivery of customer service and processes used to resolve problems and issues?

Q5: Should the cause and outcomes of this issue be discussed with your supervisor or manager? Why/why not?

Q6: What customer service strategies could you have used when initially serving the customer so this situation would have not occurred?

Q7: How do the business's complaint handling procedures influence how you handled this problem?

Q8: If you decided to escalate the issue to a supervisor or manager in the role-play, how and when did you make this decision?

5. Receive and Store Stock

This activity is to be done in the classroom in the time that has been allocated to you. Please note that assessments can only be completed in class time for this activity.

Look at the attached order form and delivery note and fill in the chart with the information that is requested down the left hand column. This has been colour coded to make it easier to see which product you are answering as you go through the chart.

Order forms and delivery notes should match. If not then there is a problem. We must insure at all times that we follow the correct procedures when receiving and checking the orders, as we are paying for these goods and we should not accept any errors.

You have just received an order from the supplier for the goods on the following order form. You need to check these items against the delivery note. The driver has delivered the order at 7.15am and you are in the middle of the busy breakfast shift. You need someone to cover you, so you ask a colleague to help while you check off the order. The driver cannot wait as he is late for his next delivery, so you sign for the delivery and he leaves a copy of the delivery note with you and takes the other copy for himself.

Q1: Look at the order form and delivery note. What is clearly wrong with this delivery you have just signed for?

Q2: After doing your check you notice the following discrepancies. Mark the delivery note and highlight the discrepancies.
The beef fillet box is leaking and one package is damaged
What could have happened?

There is a block of ice at the bottom of the box of flounder

Task 2 (To be completed on the delivery note)
Mark the above errors on the delivery note.
There are other errors in this order. Please mark these on the delivery note also

Task 3 - Knowledge Questions

Q1: What is the process used for recording errors on delivery?

Q2: What action would you take to correct the errors?

Q3: You must know the product life of various stock. Number these items from 1 to 4 (shortest shelf life to longest).
Whole mango
Tinned tomatoes
Cooking oil

Q4: Explain what you should do if you discover excess stock in storage.

Q5: Is it OK to store hazardous substances such as cleaning chemicals in the dry store with food? Why? Why not?

Q6: Give a definition of the following stock control systems
Bin Card system
Imprest system
Integrated point of sale system
Ledger system

Q7: Define the FIFO method of stock rotation. Explain how you would implement it.

Q8: List eight things you should check for when monitoring the quality of stock.

Q9: A new employee needs some safe manual handling techniques to use so they don't get injured when receiving, transporting and storing stock. Provide eight tips you would give them.

Q10: State where you would dispose of the following items to minimise negative environmental impact.

Cardboard boxes
Used serviettes
Bubble wrap
Glass bottles
Fruit and vegetable peelings

Q11: List three details you might be required to put on stock labels.

6. Use Food Preparation Equipment

Equipment project instructions
In this assessment you are required to complete the information in the box provided below with the recipes you are given. From these you need to Identify;

Precision cuts
Cutting Techniques
Large fixed equipment, mechanical equipment, knives, utensils and tools
Reducing negative impact on the environment
Increasing the recipe from its current yield

Task 1

Complete all the columns with the information given in the recipes. Note: Always read through a recipe and it's method, this will assist with your MEP (mise en place) for both food and equipment

Task 2
In your own words, answer the following questions:

Q1. List three self-management skills that help you manage your own speed and timing.

Q2. What knife would you select for the following food preparation tasks?

Q3. What equipment would you select for the following food preparation tasks?

Q4. Briefly describe how to maintain the cleanliness of the following equipment.

Q5. List one task or minor adjustment that is required to maintain the condition of the following pieces of equipment.

Q6. You notice that the blade on the meat slicer is loose. What would you do?

Q7. Describe the word mise en place in the following terms

Task 1. Policies, procedures and legislative research
For this exercise, you will be placed in groups of four (4) by your trainer
Attached to this assessment you will find the following paperwork to help you with your assessment.

Hotel and tavern workers award for each position
Policies and Procedures

Task 2:

Each group is required to meet with their trainer to discuss the table you have completed and Identify where improvements in Table A can be made. (constructive feedback)

B: As a team read the following and identify the problem and conflict. Discuss and note down what action you would take.
Sally is feeling upset the other team members. She is in the dessert section and she seems to always be last to leave. She has mentioned to HR that between 10 and 10.30 other staff members try to look busy but are really just doing nothing and no-one offers to help and she then struggles to leave before midnight. All other team members leave at 10.30.

What is the problem?

What can the team do to avoid any conflict?

ASSESSMENT Instructions
For this assessment, you will be required to demonstrate the use of safe food handling practices in line with organisational hygiene procedures.

You will need to be able to demonstrate procedures to:
Identify food hazards
Report unsafe practices
Report incidents of food contamination.

In order to do this, you will be required to complete the following tasks with your trainer in Kalao.
Each task is directly linked to a set of standards in the performance criteria. Please take the time to read each thoroughly.

Task 1: Practical demonstration
You have just started your bar shift and need to prepare the garnishes for service. Demonstrate to your trainer how you would do this by cutting a lemon into wedges. Before you begin, discuss then complete, appropriate hygienic procedures that apply in a front of house hospitality environment, including hand washing and general personal cleanliness. You need to be able to tell your trainer when you should be washing your hands in order to appropriately minimize cross contamination.

To cut your lemon, you will need to select and check the appropriate tools required for the task, use them correctly and then clean them after use, following organizational hygiene procedures at all times.

Task 2: Identify and remove hazards
Your trainer will place a selection of food hygiene/personal hygiene hazards in the restaurant. Please take the time to locate 6 hazards and identify to your trainer the reason why they are a hazard which could affect the health of others. During this process you must treat your trainer as your Manager and report the hazard in the most appropriate way. For each hazard located, please remove or minimize it from the situation and talk your trainer through this process.

Task 3: Role Play

You have just returned from your lunch break. Demonstrate to your trainer the first thing you should do when you return to the bar.
You felt you had a cold this morning however over your lunch break, you have become significantly worse and feel flu symptoms including coughing, sneezing and a temperature. You want stay at work, but your illness is becoming dangerous to the organisation.
You then sneeze into container where the sliced lemons are stored. In a short role play with your trainer, advise of what steps you would take to minimise any associated risks.


Please answer the following questions in relation to the theory. You must use your own words where possible.

Q1: Select from the options, which 3 statements are true regarding employee / employer responsibilities under food safety legislation.

Q2: Give two ways you can report breaches of hygiene procedures?

Q3: What are four sources of food hazards which could contaminate food?

Q4: Describe two methods you could use to minimise or remove a food hazard.

Q5: From this list provided, what 3 personal health issues do you have a responsibility to report, to conform to the Food Safety Standard?

Q6: What are your responsibilities if you think you have caused food to be contaminated? List 2.

Q7: Why should you wear organisation-approved, brightly coloured, waterproof band aids to cover cut and abrasions?

Q8: What personal hygiene standards should you maintain when handling food to reduce the risk of food contamination? List three things you should do.

Q9. Briefly describe how you can limit direct contact with ready-to-eat foods.

Q10: There are many personal habits that could lead to unhygienic contact with food. Select the 5 unhygienic practices from the list that a Front of House staff member should avoid.

Q11: When handling linen, list two unhygienic practices to avoid, in order to reduce the chances of microbiological contamination and hygiene hazards in the workplace.

Q12: How do you wash your hands correctly? Select the correct order from the drop down boxes.

a) List two things a food safety program must include or provide for.
b) Explain why food safety systems are used.

Q14: Put the seven principles of HACCP in the correct order by selecting the number from the drop down box.

Q15: You've been told the Environmental Health Officer (EHO) has arrived to inspect Kalao. Answer the following questions:

Q16: How does the Food Standards Code define contamination?

Reference no: EM131789272

Questions Cloud

Prepare the entry to record depreciation : Depreciation has been entered for 7 years on a straight line basis. Prepare the entry to record depreciation for 2013
Examine the complex relationships in privilege and racism : In many societies certain groups possess more resources and hold more power than other groups.
Which machine is more profitable to run on a daily basis : Machine A makes 100 boards per hour in a 16-hour production day Raw material costs $8 per board, and there is no scrap of any boards during production.
Which option is better to buy or to lease : Partex Ltd. is considering the purchase of new laser technology. If Partex can earn 8%, compounded annually, which option is better - to buy or to lease?
What are key components of a food safety program : What two techniques can be used to ensure the frozen vegetables remain frozen during storage - What are four key components of a food safety program?
Compute the post retirement benefit expense : Englehart Co. provides the following information about its post-retirement benefit plan for the year 2012. Compute the post retirement benefit expense for 2012
Number of millions of social security beneficiaries : Social Security beneficiaries the graph shows a model for the number of millions of Social Security beneficiaries projected to 2030.
Journalize the transactions in a four-column cash payments : Journalize the transactions above in a four-column cash payments journal with columns for Other Accounts Dr., Accounts Payable Dr., Inventory Cr., and Cash Cr.
Review problem of production line at tech manufacturing : In a production line at Tech Manufacturing, changeover from one product to another takes about 60 minutes. On average, it takes about 5 parts to be run.


Write a Review

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