What are ikeas key competitive advantages

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131561895

Case Analysis: "IKEA Slowly Expands Its U.S. Market Presence"

To help you better understand the concepts of Marketing Analysis, you will be asked to complete a case study for each weekly assignment.

To prepare for this level of analysis, first read "How to Analyze a Case" in the W1 lesson folder.

This Week's Case

"IKEA Slowly Expands Its U.S. Market Presence" (located in textbook appendix)

After reading, reviewing and analyzing the case study, pretend you are the VP of Marketing for IKEA. Outline your position and objectives in a plan to the Board of Directors. Develop a PowerPoint Presentation that will address (at a minimum) the questions listed below.

You may include other insights gleaned from our study of marketing analysis so far. Also, cite at least 2 outside sources to support your analysis.

Given the SWOT analysis presented in the case, what are IKEA's key competitive advantages?

What should the strategic focus be as the company looks to expand further into the US market?

What strategic options, steps and alternatives would you direct IKEA to make to further penetrate the US market?

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 750 - 1,250 words (approximately 3 - 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style (download an APA sample paper from the Purdue OWL here).

Use font size 12 and 1" margins.

Include cover page and reference page.

At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.

No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.

Use an appropriate number of references to support your position, and defend your arguments. The following are examples of primary and secondary sources that may be used, and non-credible and opinion based sources that may not be used.

Primary sources such as, government websites (United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Census Bureau, The World Bank, etc.), peer reviewed and scholarly journals in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library) and Google Scholar.

Secondary and credible sources such as CNN Money, The Wall Street Journal, trade journals, and publications in EBSCOhost (Grantham University Online Library).

Non-credible and opinion based sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. should not be used.

Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased statements, information, etc.) in the paper and list each source on a reference page using APA style

Reference no: EM131561895

Questions Cloud

Find ratio of the volume of the cylinder to that of the cone : The radius of a cylinder is twice as long as the radius of a cone, and the height of the cylinder is half as long as the height of the cone.
Find the area of the cross section of the channel : Soundings taken across a river channel give the following depths with the corresponding distances from one shore.
How much of your work life is spent in communication : How much of your work life is spent in communication and collaboration by use of technology? What forms of technology do you use to hold meetings
Create a digital marketing strategy : Create a digital marketing strategy for either a choose one- local service/retail small business OR a small online e-commerce site
What are ikeas key competitive advantages : What strategic options, steps and alternatives would you direct IKEA to make to further penetrate the US market?
Find the playing area of fenway park : The widths of the baseball playing area in Boston's Fenway Park at 45-ft intervals are shown in Fig. Find the playing area using the trapezoidal rule.
Write about the battle of belleau wood : Write about the battle of Belleau Wood (focus on Marines only) and the main ideas being covered within the research paper
How does uaes culture affect foreigners daily life : How does UAE's culture affect foreigners daily life - what is your first impression when you came to UAE and what is your opinion about UAEs culture
Summarize your background and what makes you unique : Summarize your background and what makes you unique (your competitive advantage/differentiation) in a one-paragraph elevator pitch.


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