What are frankl three general ways to discover meaning

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133432060


  • What are Frankl's three general ways to discover meaning? How does his assertion challenge classical western beliefs established in the Enlightenment on the true nature of men and women?
  • What did Frankl believe the stages of grief were for those who had to go through the holocaust?
  • Who were Capos and why does Frankl feel so bad for these Jewish prisoners? What were these prisoners victimized by and why were the ultimately the saddest story of the holocaust from Frankl's perspective? How do you feel about the Capos? If you were faced with the horror of the Holocaust would you have been able to resist becoming a capo?
  • What importance did cigarettes play in Frankl's recollection of the holocaust? What did it mean when someone actually smoked their cigarettes? What are cigarettes like in our modern western world in America?

The bigger questions:

  • Agree or disagree with Frankl's premise that the search for meaning is human's primary psychological motivation.
  • Frankl cites the stripping away of all worldly possessions, including one's name, as an important part of the process by which prisoners were dehumanized. What experiences in your life today diminish your sense of your own humanity? Can too many possessions create the same effect?
  • Discuss Frankl's belief that joy and suffering are relative concepts. Provide relevant examples to support your discussion.
  • Frankl states that "To choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way "is the last of human freedoms. Discuss times in your life when you have exercised this freedom and/or opportunities. In other words, we choose how we react to any given situation we encounter.



Reference no: EM133432060

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