What are five ways that organizations can promote ethics

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Reference no: EM133587151

Question 1. Of the 10 groups in the task environment, which five do you consider most important, and why? (customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, strategic allies, employee organizations, local communities, financial institutions, government regulators, and special-interest groups)

Question 2. Of the six groups in the general environment, which one do you think has the least importance, and why? (economic forces, technological forces, sociocultural forces, demographic forces, political-legal forces, international forces)

Question 3. Distinguish among the four approaches to resolving ethical dilemmas. (utilitarian approach, individual approach, moral-rights approach, justice approach)

Question 4. How would you summarize Kohlberg's levels of personal moral development?

Question 5. What are five ways that organizations can promote ethics?

Question 6. Describe the levels in Carroll's corporate social responsibility pyramid. Where does trying to achieve sustainability fit in?

Reference no: EM133587151

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