What are experiments in a natural setting called

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Reference no: EM132136271

QUESTION 1 : The basic components of the scientific method include

examination and diagnosis

treatment and prognosis

a and b

none of the above

QUESTION 2 : Positivism

is a fundamental assumption of scientific inquiry

assumes life is random

has nothing to do with scientific inquiry

assumes nothing about logical, persistent patterns of regularity in life

QUESTION 3 : Scientific theories

do not require evidence and must be potentially testable

are based on evidence, must try to explain or predict something, and must be testable

are not necessary to derive research hypotheses

are always vague

QUESTION 4 : What is the purpose of an IRB when developing research plans?

A panel of persons that will review research plans with regard to ethical implications

A panel of persons that will ensure the study is done ethically

A panel of persons that are formed to review research plans and in so doing will help protect the organization and researcher

all of the above

QUESTION 5 : Major factors involved in the development of health services research include

the diminished role of the government in health care

the need to demonstrate value of health services

the expanded role of government in health care

a and b

b and c

QUESTION 6 : Conceptualization is the process of specifying and refining abstract concepts into concrete terms.



QUESTION 7 : A conceptual framework:

does not guide the course of research

has no relevance to the analysis of research and interventions

synthesizes and guides the course of research

has no place in scientific research

QUESTION 8 : Which general theory of disease causality is environment sensitive and reductionistic?

germ theory

lifestyle theory

environmental theory

health service theory

QUESTION 9 : The WHO defines health merely as the absence of disease.



QUESTION 10 : What are ADLs? How are they measured and what do the measures focus on?-- Font family ---- Font size ---- Format --HeadingSub Heading 1Sub Heading 2ParagraphFormatted Code-- Font family --Andale MonoArialArial BlackBook AntiquaComic Sans MSCourier NewGeorgiaHelveticaImpactSymbolTahomaTerminalTimes New RomanTrebuchet MSVerdanaWebdingsWingdings-- Font size --1 (8pt)2 (10pt)3 (12pt)4 (14pt)5 (18pt)6 (24pt)7 (36pt)Path: pWords:0

QUESTION 11 : Primary data

is generally less expensive and time consuming than secondary data

is generally more expensive and more time consuming, though also generally more relevant than secondary data

refers to data collected by others than the researcher

does not refer to data collection for research

QUESTION 12 : The CMS collects population-based administrative data that:

provides data on expenditures and sources of payment for health services of Medicare beneficiaries

provides data on Medicare beneficiaries satisfaction with care

provides Medicare utilization and enrollment data linked to NCHS survey data

all of the above

QUESTION 13 : When research grants are used, the researcher has responsibility for the design, modification and implementation of the research project.



QUESTION 14 : What type of research review guides the formulation of research questions, the design of the study, is used in the initial part of the research product, and may focus on research methods or outcomes?

literature review

outcome review

test review

college review

QUESTION 15 : Disadvantages of research review include

There are no disadvantages of research review.

missing information


b and c

none of the above

QUESTION 16 : The primary advantage of secondary analysis is savings in money, time and personnel.



QUESTION 17 : There are no quantitative elements in qualitative research.



QUESTION 18 :  In a focus study group, the participants are statistically representative of a meaningful population.



QUESTION 19 : Social science and health services experiments often occur in real-life settings. What are experiments in a natural setting called?

natural experiments

field experiments

laboratory experiments

outside experiments

QUESTION 20 : One of the weaknesses of survey research is that it has little transparency.



Reference no: EM132136271

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