What are examples of unstructured data used in industry

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Reference no: EM133678899 , Length: word count:1200

Data Acquisition and Management

Assessment - Unstructured Data Management

Your Task

LO1: Evaluate ethical data acquisition and best practice about project initiation
LO2: Evaluate options for storing, accessing, distributing, and updating data during the life of a project.

Complete Part A and B below. Consider the rubric at the end of the assignment for guidance on structure and content.

Part A (Video Quiz): Students need to complete a video quiz where they answer questions relating to concepts and principles from Topics 1-4.
The video quiz will be available Monday 10:00am- Wednesday 5pm (AEST) Week 5.
Students will have to complete the quiz ON VIDEO using a zoom meeting (see instructions on MyKBS)
Once students start the quiz, they will have 30 minutes to complete it. They have to record their whole attempt over zoom.
All questions will ask them to explain their answer on video and half of the marks will be given for this.
No backtracking is allowed once a question is completed.
Students will receive feedback for the quiz by Friday of Week 6.
One of the questions will ask you about the industry and application you have chosen for your report (make sure you prepare for this).

Part B (Report): Students are to write a 900-word report

Assessment Instructions

Record yourself doing the video quiz using zoom screen share.
In Week 4 class your lecturer will take you through how to record a video using Zoom (instructions on MyKBS under assessment table)
You will log into zoom using the instructions, share your screen and start recording.
You will then enter the "Video quiz" on MyKBS where you will need to:
Complete Multiple Choice and short answer questions relating to the content from Topics 1-4 of the subjects.

*Answer the following question from Part B of assessment 1 and Explain your reasoning in your videos.
(1) Which industry did you select from the list
(2) What are 3 examples of unstructured data used in this industry
(2) Indicate 3 references you will use for research in your selected industry

PART B: Report
Unstructured data has typically been difficult to manage, since it has no predefined data model, is not always organised and may comprise multiple types. For example, data from thermostats, sensors, home electronic devices, cars, images, sounds and pdf files.

Given these characteristics, special collection, storage, and analysis methods, as well as software, have been created to take advantage of unstructured data.

Given the considerations above, select one of the following industries for your assessment.
Retail - clothing
Social Media
Motor vehicles
Fast Foods
Read relevant articles on the industry you have chosen.
Choose one application from that industry.
Introduce the industry and application, e.g., healthcare and image reconstruction (100 words,)
Explain what sort of unstructured data could be used by an AI or Machine Learning algorithm in the area you chose. (200 words,)
Discuss best practice and options with illustrations (500 words)):

And maintenance of the data
Propose a question that could be asked in relation to your unstructured data and what software might help you to run AI and answer the question. (100 words,)
At least 10 Harvard style references and well-structured Report

*Note: need only part a one question + PART B


Reference no: EM133678899

Questions Cloud

Exhibited continuing performance problems : You identify several employees who have exhibited continuing performance problems over the last year.
What effects do team sports participation on children health : Sports Participation's Influence on Youth's Development. What effects do team sports participation have on children's physical and mental health?
Describe major risk categories in healthcare organization : Describe the major risk categories in a healthcare organization, along with their corresponding risk identification techniques
Discuss the status of projects your groups are leading : You and several other supervisors are meeting with your director to discuss the status of projects your groups are leading.
What are examples of unstructured data used in industry : What are 3 examples of unstructured data used in this industry and Indicate 3 references you will use for research in your selected industry
Explain the philosophical assumptions in behavior analysis : Explain the philosophical assumptions in behavior analysis. Explain why each scientific goal is important and contributes to our base of knowledge.
High level of coordination and collaboration : The inherent complexity will require a high level of coordination and collaboration within the teams and with other key stakeholders.
Data acquisition and management : Assessment - Unstructured Data Management Evaluate ethical data acquisition and best practice about project initiation
Why methodology and design is most appropriate for change : Explain in detail as to why this methodology and design is most appropriate for the proposed change (i.e., develop, evaluate, or modify a program).



4/18/2024 11:07:16 PM

Required Words/pages:-PART A 1 Q 300 words + PART B 900 words But only need part a one question Only this question answer (Attached image file)

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