What are drawbacks of not being culturally competent

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Reference no: EM133671232

Discussion Post

Using what you have learned so far in the course, you will complete the ethics and diversity section of your project. In this paper, you will examine the role of ethics and the implications of diversity in the scenario you have chosen. You are acting as the assistant to a forensic psychologist in this case, and you will assess your role relative to the potential ethical implications or ramifications in the scenario. You will use the Ethical Principles for Psychologists and Code of Conduct to substantiate your claims. You will also assess the potential risks associated with the scenario, or potential personal biases that would impact a forensic psychologist's ability to be objective and fair. What is your recommended course of action regarding the identified risks?

Once you have discussed ethics, you will discuss the implications of diversity on the scenario you have chosen. Discuss the implications of diversity, race, or gender on the delivery of services in this scenario. What are drawbacks of not being culturally competent or culturally aware? How would you address these issues? How would you ensure integrity and the high standard of professionalism? What steps are needed to ensure the best practices in addressing cultural competency are considered when providing services to clients of varying cultures and backgrounds?

Reference no: EM133671232

Questions Cloud

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What are drawbacks of not being culturally competent : What are drawbacks of not being culturally competent or culturally aware? How would you ensure integrity and the high standard of professionalism?
Describe theoretical framework on which research is based : Review similar or relevant research. This review promotes knowledge of the literature. Describe the theoretical framework on which the research is based.
What were your thoughts on the ralph lazo story : How has your perspective changed on WWII after reading about incarceration and the "Ralph Lazo Story". What were your thoughts on the Ralph Lazo Story?
Why did western nations strive for global dominance : How and why did Western nations strive for global dominance over the course of the nineteenth century?
Identify the first people settled in north america : Identify current beliefs about how first people settled in North America and discuss the ways in which they became differentiated from one another over time.


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