What are doorknob disclosures

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Reference no: EM131833704


1. Never events are events that are preventable errors with serious consequences.


2. Disclosure Decision-Making Model proposes that patients do not simply say what is on their minds, instead, they way which 3 factors?

a. The likely outcomes and judgments of the information if they reveal the information
b. Whether they will be blamed for their actions
c. Whether they will receive a safe response from someone they trust
d. Whether they can share the information without seeming stupid
e. A, C, D
f. A, B,C
g. A, B, D

3. Which of the following best describes earned media?

a. information that is distributed at no cost by news, local programs or run as public service announcements
b. free air time that is earned after a certain number of paid advertisements
c. air time that is offered at a discounted rate for public health advertisements
d. none of the above

4. What are doorknob disclosures?

a. when physicians stand with their hand on the doorknob pressuring their patients to hurry up
b. when patients wait until almost the end of the visit to disclose what is really bothering them
c. when medical aids listen at the doors regarding patient issues
d. none of the above

5. The traditional communication model is for patients to issue directives and for providers to listen.


6. The process of encouraging individuals to pass along marketing information they receive is commonly known as:

a. social marketing
b. indirect marketing
c. viral marketing
d. none of the above

7. Which of the following is an example of an ASPH competency for health communication and informatics?

a. advocate for effective disease prevention and health promotion programs
b. health policy analysis
c. use information technology to assess, evaluate, and interpret public health data
d. a and b

8. What is the biggest reason that patients don't feel comfortable speaking up with providers?

a. patients feel they don't have the medial knowledge
b. there is a power differential between providers and patients
c. A and B
d. None of the above

9. ________, a traditional medium, surprisingly reaches 91% of Americans who tune in at least once a week.

a. television
b. radio
c. magazines
d. newspaper

10. The Surgeon General:

a. primarily administers to the sick
b. has administrative oversight of the uniformed branch of the U.S. Public Health Service
c. serves protecting the health of the U.S. military
d. none of the above

11. The lower level of effects of the Hierarchy of Effects Model are:

a. acquisition of skills, changes in attitude, exposure, and interest
b. decision making, long term retention, attention, and comprehension
c. exposure, attention, interest, and comprehension
d. exposure, attention, interest, and retention

12. The CDC sequence for health communication can be simplified in a few steps. Some of these steps include:

a. b and c
b. development of communication strategies
c. evaluation of effectiveness of communication strategies
d. all of the above
e. collect and analyze data

13. ______intervention, created to entertain and educate, purposely designs and implements a media message and a communication strategy to influence behavioral and social change.

a. public eduation
b. health entertainment
c. entertainment education
d. media interaction

14. "Institutionalization of scientific health communication at CDC": In the year of 93' CDC's director formalized the agency definition of health communication as:

a. the crafting and delivery of messages and strategies, based on consumer research, to promote the health of individuals and communities
b. the crafting and delivery of messages and strategies to promote the health of communities
c. promotion of health of individuals and communities
d. none of the above

15. As compared with the median age of the adult population at 37.8, the average age in the 110th Congress for the House of Representatives was:

a. 62
b. 56
c. 40
d. 60

16. In step one of developing a macro plan, one should:

a. select the most effective intervention for making change
b. analyze the problem and the levels of the ecological model where change is being made
c. identify and recruit partners to accomplish task
d. choose a core strategy for communication

17. A tertiary audience

a. affects the behavior of the secondary audience in some way
b. affects the behavior of the secondary audience in some way
c. affects no one's behavior
d. affects the behavior of the primary and secondary audience in some way

18. By having medical training be so heavily science focused, what is lost?

a. The ability of patients to understand the medical jargon, and by extension, their condition.
b. The ability of providers and patients to stand on equal footing
c. The viewpoint that medicine and healing are an art as well as a science
d. A holistic approach to the body and mind
e. All of the above

19. A few of the duties of the Surgeon General describe the field of public health communication. An example of such a duty is:

a. advocate for effective diseases prevention and health promotion programs
b. educate public health professionals
c. provide a highly recognized symbol of national commitment to the nations health
d. a and c

20. For your communication intervention, you are trying to get young mothers in a developing country to use more nutritious complementary food for their infants. You find that their mothers-in-law make most of the decisions, so you try to convince them first that this a good idea before communicating with the mothers of the infants. Who is the secondary audience?

a. young mothers of infants
b. mothers-in-law
c. young fathers
d. both mothers and mothers-in-law

21. The higher order of effects of the Hierarchy of Effects Model included:

a. acquisition of skills, changes in attitude, short term retention of information, long term retention, decision making, one time performance of behavior, reinforcement of behavior, and maintenance of behavior indefinitely through complex life changes
b. acquisition of skills, changes in attitude, short term retention of information, one time performance of behavior, reinforcement of behavior, and maintenance of behavior indefinitely through complex life changes
c. exposure, attention, interest, and comprehension
d. acquisition of skills, changes in attitude, exposure, and interest

22. What are the four P's that make up social marketing strategy?

a. product, price, place, and promotion
b. product, people, price, and promotion
c. price, promotion, people, and place
d. profit, product, place, and promotion

23. The transition from analog to digital TV required FCC to extend children's television rules to digital television. What particularly did FCC require?

a. required satellite providers to devote 25% of their channel capacity for public programming
b. at least three hours per week of educational television programming for children in digital format
c. mandated cable TV station to devote air time to public interest programming
d. all of the above

24. What are 3 parts to guiding health professionals in being mindful with people in distress?

a. Recognizing, acknowledging, and acting
b. Acknowledging, exploring, and therapeutic action
c. Recognizing, exploring, and caring
d. Recognizing, exploring, and therapeutic action

25. Many of the conditions that influence what happens in the patient-provider communication are established at a systemic or organizationa, not an individual, level.


26. For your communication intervention, you are trying to get young mothers in a developing country to use more nutritious complementary food for their infants. You find that their mothers-in-law make most of the decisions, so you try to convince them first that this a good idea before communicating with the mothers of the infants. Who is the primacy audience?

a. young mothers of infants
b. mothers in law
c. young fathers of the infants
d. both mothers and mothers-in-law

27. Which of the following is true about generation Y?

a. they do not draw a sharp line between lay and expert opinion
b. they are more likely to trust information that comes from credible sources, such as the New York Times rather than a blog
c. only a small percent of generation Y spends time on user-generated sites
d. none of the above

28. Enabling factors are:

a. existing beliefs, attitudes and values
b. availability of resources, time, or skills to perform a behavior
1. family and community approval
d. a and c

29. Predisposing factors are:

a. family and community approval
b. availability of resources, time, or skills to perform a behavior
c. existing beliefs, attitudes, and values
d. none of the above

30. In Narrative Medicine, the provider provides a long narrative explanation of what they believe is wrong with the patient and explain their recommended course of action while the patient listens.


31. In Motivational Interviewing, the provider's goal is to persuade their patient of the beast plan of action.


32. Rote learning encourages learners to be critical and creative thinkers.


33. In Motivational Interviewing, the goal is to make small, incremental changes.


34. As compared with the median age of the adult population, 37.8, the average age in the 110th Congress for the Senate was:

a. 62
b. 56
c. 40
d. 60

35. Collaborative medical communication involves participants' proactive desire to be peers who discuss health options and make mutually satisfying decisions.


36. Generally speaking, members of Congress have:

a. a lot of background in public health
b. little background in public health
c. no background in public health
d. no idea what public health is about

37. Which of the following is a key step in developing a macro plan?

a. analyze the problem and levels of the ecological model where attempting to create change
b. choose a core strategy for communication
c. a and b
d. none of the above

38. According to the data in your book, in the most recent research, how many hours each week does an average American spend watching television?

a. 31.5 hours per week
b. 3.5 hours per week
c. 50 hours per week
d. 10 hours per week

39. The following description fits the term advocacy:

a. communicate about public health data for governmental level policy makers
b. communicate how to work with partners to bring an issue up to a decision-making level
c. A and B
d. none of the above

40. After talk/ news/ information radio programming, what has the second highest listenership at 12.5%?

a. country music
b. adult contemporary music
c. classic music
d. rock music.

Reference no: EM131833704

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