What are different menus of the website

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133370775

Company is Walmart

1. What are the different menus of the website?

2. Is the website simple, easy to maneuver and understandable?

3. Does it contain the following information: a) description of the company, b) company history, c) corporate structure, d) management biographies, e) financial information, f) Investor Relations contacts

4. Does it contain current and historical financial results?

5. Is the Investor Relations website written to be engaging and concise?

6. Are there examples of the company's products/services?

7. Does it contain ESG topics such as highlights and achievements, corporate governance, code of ethics, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report?

8. What regulatory disclosures does it contain?

9. Does it communicate the company's story?

Reference no: EM133370775

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