What are core competencies as it relates to your selections

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131549856

Assignment: Supply... Outsourcing versus Core Competencies - Product-Based

This assignment requires you to conduct research and produce an essay that contains a comparison and contrast between two different product-based firms and that answers these questions as it relates to those firms:

• Explain and discuss: Why is outsourcing becoming increasingly common in the firms you selected?
• Explain and discuss: What are the "core competencies" as it relates to your selections?
• Explain and discuss the dangers of not focusing on "core competencies" and expanding to new venues as it relates to your selections.
• Explain and discuss the three dangers vertical integration introduces, as it relates to your selections.
• Explain and discuss the inherent danger in attempting to maintain a stable workforce by outsourcing during peaks in demand as it relates to your selections.


• Your essay will require an organizational structure that includes the introduction section, conclusion section, and individual sections that address each of questions, above.

• Write a 3- to 4-page paper, (page count doesn't include the required title and reference pages).

• Your paper must be properly cited APA/ American sources

• You must support your analysis with at least four scholarly references. Sources such as Wikipedia, USA Today, Fox News, or MSNBC news do not qualify as scholarly references.

Reference no: EM131549856

Questions Cloud

Discuss the subject matter that you are studying : discuss the subject matter that you are studying - do not simply agree/disagree - collateral historical writings on topics covered in the textbook
Explain how effective self-managed teams could be built : Then explain how effective self-managed teams could be built and successfully implemented within your business.
Find the decision regions as a function of the lrt threshold : Derive a likelihood ratio test for the following case. Under hypothesis HI, the observation Z is Gaussian with mean m, and variance cri.
What is wrong with this practice : In "George Orwell, Meet Mark Zuckerberg," what is wrong with this practice? Explain the reference to Orwell and discuss the uses and misuses of data mining
What are core competencies as it relates to your selections : What are the core competencies as it relates to your selections? Why is outsourcing becoming increasingly common in the firms you selected?
Analyze the strengths and capabilities of potential supplier : Analyze the strengths and capabilities of potential suppliers. Provide a list of criteria you use when assessing and analyzing strengths of potential suppliers.
Identify the main decision problem : From each of the following examples, identify the main decision problem. Develop at least 2 research problems with the variables identified
Elections decided by purely random factors : In the Australian 2016 federal election, the seat of Herbert was won by 37 votes out of 88,337 cast. This problem explores the likelihood that a close election.
Leader through life experiences : Do you think leaders are born that way or do they become a leader through life experiences?


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